[Tex/LaTex] Unable to print the bibliography with memoir


I have the following layout in my document:


\maxtocdepth{subparagraph} % put everything into the ToC

I can see that WinEdt parses the bibliography correctly (the cited entries show up on the left menu), and PDFTeXify (provided by WinEdt) has always compiled my document correctly including the bibliography.

Why can't I print the bibliography?


  1. My citations are of the form ~\cite or \cite and my entries in the file thesis_bibliography.bib are of the form: @inproceedings, @article, etc.
  2. I noticed LaTeX complains because it thinks my bibliography is in a file called thesis.bbl, but above I have a line that says \bibliography{thesis_bibliography.bib}. Why does it think it's the wrong file?

Best Answer

You haven't provided a compilable MWE, so it's not possible to be sure what's going on. In an earlier version of your posting, you had the line


in the code. However, the file splncs.bst does not appear to be a part of either the TeXlive2011 or the MikTeX2.9 distribution, and it's not on the CTAN either. Assuming that no such file is present in your TeX distribution, this would explain why no bibliography is being generated. (Have you checked your log file for any complaints about a nonexistent style file?) Conversely, if I add the line \documentclass{memoir} to the top of your code as well as something like \bibliographystyle{plain} and a couple of dummy citation commands, your code (minus the three \input statements, of course) has no difficulty in creating a bibliography.

In short, I suggest you either locate the file splncs.bst somewhere on the 'net and install it on your system or use a different bibliography style file altogether.

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