[Tex/LaTex] Typesetting \prime vs ‘


I'm trying to figure out how to best typeset primed values. It seems that, e.g.

$f'$ and $f\prime$ give off a slightly different result:

I like the right ($a\prime$) version better, but I'm not sure if that's correct.

EDIT after going over my preamble, I found the "culprit" – it was the package unicode-math, which I added to be able to use \Colon. After removing it, my primes rendered exactly like in Mico's answer.

Best Answer

It seems that, e.g. $f'$ and $f\prime$ give off a slightly different result

First off, the item on the left-hand side of the screenshot you posted does not appear to have been created by either $f'$ and $f\prime$ -- at least not by either TeX or LaTeX. See also the screenshot below and the associated LaTeX code.

The item on the right-hand side could have been created by either $f'$ or $f^{\prime}$, since the two methods are entirely equivalent.

In math mode, x' and x^{\prime} are equivalent. The former is a lot easier to type, though. This becomes especially evident for higher-order derivatives: Speaking for myself, I'd much rather type $f'''$ than $f^{\prime\prime\prime}$.

enter image description here

$f' \quad f^{\prime} \quad f\prime$ 