[Tex/LaTex] Two logos and text in the footer

graphicsheader-footerhorizontal alignment

I'm trying to put two images and some text in my document footer, all aligned side by side with the page number, something like this:

enter image description here

I could get to the basics using fancyhdr, but it obviously doesn't work as expected.
I'm a beginner in LaTeX so I'm having a really hard time adapting some answers I've seen that cover either side by side figures or aligning texts and figures in the footer:



\lfoot{\includegraphics[scale=0.3]{example-image} \includegraphics[scale=0.15]{example-image} Some text to go in the footer}



enter image description here

I know that I can solve the footer limits with footskip, but I can't figure how to make sure that all items are placed side by side and correctly aligned in my footer.



Best Answer

Some thing like this?



       Some text to go in the footer}




enter image description here

Or this



  \parbox{0.46\linewidth}{Some text to go in the footer Some text to go in the footer}\hfill
  \parbox{0.02\linewidth}{\raggedleft \thepage}%


