[Tex/LaTex] Two figures next to each other (Tikz)


I have read a couple of questions that are quite close to mine, but I have no idea how to incorporate them in my code. I have two figures and I would like to have them side by side. Could you give me a hand with this? Thanks



/pgfplots/ybar legend/.style={
/pgfplots/legend image code/.code={%
    (0cm,0cm) rectangle (3pt,0.8em);},


\pgfplotstableread[row sep=\\,col sep=&]{
interval & Eval & Dev \\
Mono     & 19.29  & 31.31 \\
Tri1     & 9.56 & 15.97  \\
Tri2    & 8.16 & 13.86 \\
Tri3   & 10 & 10 \\

        bar width=.8cm, %ancho barra
        width=9cm, %dimensiones de figura
        legend style={at={(1,1)},
            anchor=north east,legend columns=-1},
        symbolic x coords={Mono, Tri1, Tri2, Tri3},
        nodes near coords, %letricas arriba
        nodes near coords align={vertical},
        ylabel={WER (\%)},
    \addplot [draw=black, fill=black] table[x=interval,y=Eval]{\mydata};
    \addplot [draw=black, pattern color = black, pattern = north west lines] table[x=interval,y=Dev]{\mydata};
    \legend{Eval, Dev}
\node[above,font=\large\bfseries] at (current bounding box.north) {EN - Tg};

\pgfplotstableread[row sep=\\,col sep=&]{
interval & Eval & Dev \\
Mono     & 20.87  & 32.70 \\
Tri1     & 10.22 & 16.26  \\
Tri2    & 8.38 & 14.87 \\
Tri3   & 10 & 10 \\

        bar width=.8cm, %ancho barra
        width=9cm, %dimensiones de figura
        legend style={at={(1,1)},
            anchor=north east,legend columns=-1},
        symbolic x coords={Mono, Tri1, Tri2, Tri3},
        nodes near coords, %letricas arriba
        nodes near coords align={vertical},
        ylabel={WER (\%)},
    \addplot [draw=black, fill=black] table[x=interval,y=Eval]{\mydata};
    \addplot [draw=black, pattern color = black, pattern = north west lines] table[x=interval,y=Dev]{\mydata};
    \legend{Eval, Dev}
\node[above,font=\large\bfseries] at (current bounding box.north) {EN - Tgpr};


Best Answer

  • Based on Text placed under figure instead of above and Manually Place a Figure in LaTeX (here: End of Chapter/Section).
  • I put you pgfplots stuff in external files in order to make the structure of the code clearer (in general a good idea in my opinion).
  • Here I use the float package in order to place the float manually (\begin{figure}[H]) at a specific position (there are opinions against that solution).
  • You have a weird mixture of absolute and relative dimensions (e. g. bar width=.8cm and height=.5\textwidth). I did not optimize that - I just changed it a bit until the MWE was ok-ish.
  • I also show how to reference the figures (\ref and \label).

Main Code

\usepackage{subcaption} is essential.

        \caption{Subcaption of the left diagram.}
        \caption{Subcaption of the right diagram.}
    \caption{Caption of both diagrams.}

Full Code



    \pgfplotstableread[row sep=\\,col sep=&]{
    interval & Eval & Dev \\
    Mono     & 19.29  & 31.31 \\
    Tri1     & 9.56 & 15.97  \\
    Tri2    & 8.16 & 13.86 \\
    Tri3   & 10 & 10 \\
            bar width=4mm, 
            legend style={at={(1,1)},
                anchor=north east,legend columns=-1},
            symbolic x coords={Mono, Tri1, Tri2, Tri3},
            nodes near coords, %letricas arriba
            nodes near coords align={vertical},
            ylabel={WER (\%)},
        \addplot [draw=black, fill=black] table[x=interval,y=Eval]{\myDataDiagramOne};
        \addplot [draw=black, pattern color = black, pattern = north west lines] table[x=interval,y=Dev]{\myDataDiagramOne};
        \legend{Eval, Dev}
    \node[above,font=\large\bfseries] at (current bounding box.north) {EN - Tg};

    \pgfplotstableread[row sep=\\,col sep=&]{
    interval & Eval & Dev \\
    Mono     & 20.87  & 32.70 \\
    Tri1     & 10.22 & 16.26  \\
    Tri2    & 8.38 & 14.87 \\
    Tri3   & 10 & 10 \\
            bar width=4mm, 
            legend style={at={(1,1)},
                anchor=north east,legend columns=-1},
            symbolic x coords={Mono, Tri1, Tri2, Tri3},
            nodes near coords, %letricas arriba
            nodes near coords align={vertical},
            ylabel={WER (\%)},
        \addplot [draw=black, fill=black] table[x=interval,y=Eval]{\myDataDiagramTwo};
        \addplot [draw=black, pattern color = black, pattern = north west lines] table[x=interval,y=Dev]{\myDataDiagramTwo};
        \legend{Eval, Dev}
    \node[above,font=\large\bfseries] at (current bounding box.north) {EN - Tgpr};


% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/376318


Text before.

        \caption{Subcaption of the left diagram.}
        \caption{Subcaption of the right diagram.}
    \caption{Caption of both diagrams.}

Text after. In \figurename~\ref{Fig:Main} there are two subfigures, nameley Subfigure~\ref{Fig:SubLeft} and \ref{Fig:SubRight}.


enter image description here

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