[Tex/LaTex] Two-column figure with side caption using revtex


How can one create a two-column figure with a side caption using revtex?

I've seen this in published articles but did not find any information how to achieve it.

Best Answer

I assume you are using revtex4-1. This is the code that I am using for when I want a figure on both columns. You might need to modify the scale parameter for your images.

\usepackage{caption, subcaption}


\caption{Some caption}


You might be tempted to use \usepackage[caption=false]{subfig} instead of caption and subcaption but then you will not be able to have, as far as I know, the main capture for your figure. I am sure there is a way around it I just couldn't find it.

revtex4-1 centered figure in reprint mode

The code when \usepackage[caption=false]{subfig} is used would look something like this:



The caption can be moved to the side by using sidecap. Therefore, the code is modified by changing the figure to SCfigure and removing the [h] from the SCfigure. To achieve optimal side captions, the user has to adjust manually the figure boarders or use minipage to separate the figure and the caption.

\usepackage{caption, subcaption}


\caption{some caption that is used as a means to test the side caption of this figure}\label{fig:caption}

