[Tex/LaTex] Turning off default scaling options (\setkeys{Gin}) temporarily


To set the default scaling values for the \includegraphics command, one can use \setkeys{Gin}{(key)=value)} from the graphicx package. For example, say I put down


This will automatically scale all succeeding \includegraphics commands by the above width value. Is there a way to turn off this setting for certain graphics? That is, is there a way to still use \includegraphics without having the width set as the above?

I'm aware that

\includegraphics{pizza.jpg} %this uses setted values
\includegraphics{pizza.jpg} %this uses normal values

works, but I'm wondering if I can do this without having to surround the \setkeys{Gin} command.

Best Answer

You can use the value stored in \Gin@nat@width, defining a handier interface to it:


\setkeys{Gin}{width=30pt} % exaggerated for the example



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