[Tex/LaTex] Turn off Hyphenation Without Text Running Into the Margins


I am rewriting (and updating) my resume in LaTeX. I was dismayed because LaTeX automatically hyphenates words that need to go onto a new line when a line is too long. I found a way to turn off hyphenation (see code below), however this makes the line ragged and it runs into the margin and looks terrible. Is there a way to turn off hyphenation such that if a word is too long, the whole word is moved to the next line so a line won't run into the margin of a document?

Education \\
U. Chicago \hfill 2008-2012 \\
\item Long bullet point describing all of my technical skills that goes for several lines

Best Answer



Education \\
U. Chicago \hfill 2008-2012 

\item Loong bullet point describing all of my technical skills that goes overseverallines

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