[Tex/LaTex] turn numbering off, but keep Table of Contents intact

emacsnumberingorg-modesectioningtable of contents

I have a LaTeX template I created for use with Emacs org-mode, to export to PDF via LaTeX using xelatex.

I don't edit LaTeX directly, I just generate from org-mode.

This works perfectly for me except for one thing: it only works when I have heading numbering turned on.

When I turn numbering off in org-mode, by adding this line to my org-mode file…

#+OPTIONS:   num:nil

…LaTeX no longer recognizes my headings as headings. This creates two problems in the resulting PDF:

  1. The Table of Contents is blank.
  2. The \leftmark in the heading shows up as "Contents" instead of showing up as the title of the section.

How do I modify these org-mode preferences such that my I can turn heading numbering off in org-mode while still correctly generating a Table of Contents and adding my section title to the header?

I'm sorry, but I don't know enough about LaTeX to make a minimum representation of this. I have no idea where the problem is.

Here are the org-mode preferences in question:

Best Answer

I had the same problem as you and I tried what @jfbu was suggesting in the comments and this worked with org-mode:

Near the beginning of your file, add

#+LaTeX: \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0}
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