[Tex/LaTex] Tufte-book with standard natbib style author-year citations


I would like to use the standard natbib way of citing papers using the tufte-book class. This means that I want citations in the text such as (Pilegaard et al., 2014) and an alphabetic bibliography list at the end of the book.

I have looked at the questions/answers on the net about tufte-latex and bibliographies, but so far I have not succeeded with anything that works as wanted. What I have now is:

\documentclass[titlepage, a4paper, twoside, justified]{tufte-book}
\wpYoffset -6.5cm


\title{Impacts of climate\\change on\\terrestrial ecosystem functioning --\\an   overview}

\author{Beier, C., et al.}


This gives me numbered citations in the text like this [13, 17] and a nice alphabetically listed bibliography at the end.

Best Answer

tufte-book modifies the \cite-command heavily, you can turn this behavior off, using the nobib-option:

\documentclass[titlepage, a4paper, twoside, justified, nobib]{tufte-book}

In order to get natbib working, you have to call and configure it manually:


You also have to use plainnat instead of plain:


Now you can use \citep to get citations in parens.

enter image description here

\documentclass[titlepage, a4paper, twoside, justified, nobib]{tufte-book}

\usepackage{natbib}           % call natbib
\setcitestyle{authoryear}     % set citation style to authoryear
\bibliographystyle{plainnat}  % use the plainnat instead of plain

% -------------------------------
   title     = "Differentiating moss from higher plants is critical in studying the carbon cycle of the boreal biome",
   publisher = "Nature Publishing Group",
   author    = "Kim Pilegaard and Wenping Yuan and Shuguang Liu and Wenjie Dong and Shunlin Liang and Shuqing Zhao and Jingming Chen and Wenfang Xu and Xianglan Li and Alan Barr and Black, {T. Andrew} and Wende Yan and Goulden, {Mike L.} and Liisa Kulmala and Anders Lindroth and Margolis, {Hank A.} and Yojiro Matsuura and Eddy Moors and {van der Molen}, Michiel and Takeshi Ohta and Andrej Varlagin and Timo Vesala",
   year      = "2014",
   doi       = "10.1038/ncomms5270",
   volume    = "5",
   journal   = "Nature Communications",
   issn      = "2041-1723",
% -------------------------------

\title{Impacts of climate\\change on\\terrestrial ecosystem functioning --\\an   overview}

\author{Beier, C., et al.}

Bla bla \citep{Pilegaard2014} bla.
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