[Tex/LaTex] Triangle inequality symbol


Does anybody know what symbol to put above an inequality symbol < to indicate that the triangle inequality has been applied?

I would like a symbol like this (which is not in The Comprehensive Latex Symbol List)

doesnt work

And I tried the following


but the two lines are not parallel:

doesnt work

Does anybody know how to somehow rotate the line to the correct angle? Any help is appreciated!

Best Answer

Here is a tikz picture

enter image description here

\draw (0,0) -- (4,0) -- (2,3.46410161514) -- cycle;
\draw [domain=1:3.4] plot(\x,{(5.6-3.46410161514*\x)/-2});
$\mathrel{\triangle\!\!\!\!/}$ test \trineg\ test $\trineg $
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