[Tex/LaTex] Transparency/Opacity of figure in a block with uncover in Beamer


I am creating a presentation with Beamer, using Berkeley as theme. On one frame I have the columns environment in order to put two blocks side by side. Each block has a header and contains a picture.

I would like to show both blocks on the first slide and then highlight only the first block on the second slide. I achieved this using the \uncover command but, nevertheless, the picture in the second block is still “fully” visible. On the contrary, I would like also the picture to be faded (note: NOT transparent).

In other words, this is what I get: enter image description here
While this is what I would like to get:enter image description here

This is the MWE I am using:





\frametitle{Introduction:\\ Trees}


Best Answer

I am just building on top of @samcarter great answer and making a new command \uncovergraphics for it, for simple reuse (personally I place it in my custom beamer theme):

    % Taken from: <https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/354033/95423>
    \node[anchor=south west,inner sep=0] (B) at (4,0)
        \fill [draw=none, fill=background, fill opacity=0.9] (B.north west) -- (B.north east) -- (B.south east) -- (B.south west) -- (B.north west) -- cycle;

Note: I used the color named background, which is defined in my colortheme, but change it to your needs.

Then I simply use it like I would for \includegraphics:



There was this answer already that proposed the same idea, but redefines includegraphics so that it works in any case (e.g after pause command).

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