[Tex/LaTex] Translate “Table”,”Figure”, etc. in tufte-latex


Recently I discovered the fantastic package tufte-latex. I have to write an assignment for college, and I thought that it would be a good idea to use the handout class include in this package.

It works great, but I have a little problem: I don't live in an English-speaking country, but when I insert the date with \today or a table, a figure, etc. with a caption, the output is something like "Table 1: …", that is, in English.

If I use other standard document class such as article, the output is in my language.

I think that I have to modify the file tufte-common.def, but I am not sure, and I don't want to screw it up.

Any advice on how to be able to translate this package?

Best Answer

tufte-latex can be 'switched' to another language the usual way. Put


in the header of your document and the language is switched, in this case to german. For spanish you could use \usepackage[spanish]{babel}. I am not sure which parts won't work for you. If you provide a MWE, I could look further into that.

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