[Tex/LaTex] too much spacing in xymatrix


I am using xypic package and I wrote the following xymatrix

  x       \ar@(ur,dr)[]|{a} \\
  |         \\
  y       \ar@(ur,dr)[]|{b}\\ 
  |          \\  
  z        \ar@(ur,dr)[]|{c}  

but the spacing on the output pdf file is pretty bad (there is too much gap/spacing between the rows). I spent some time modifying as in 3.3 Spacing and rotation [page 9] from this link http://www-bcf.usc.edu/~cautis/tools/xypic.pdf but that link is not helping.

Is there a way to make the gap between the rows smaller?

Best Answer

You can regulate the interrow spacing with @R; for example the following code shortens it by 2pc (24pt, but it's customary to reason in terms of picas).

 x \ar@(ur,dr)[]|{a} \\
 |                   \\
 y \ar@(ur,dr)[]|{b} \\
 |                   \\
 z \ar@(ur,dr)[]|{c}

enter image description here

A different approach is to use tipless arrows, again shortening the space between rows:

 x \ar@(ur,dr)[]|{a} \ar@{-}[d] \\
 y \ar@(ur,dr)[]|{b} \ar@{-}[d] \\
 z \ar@(ur,dr)[]|{c}

enter image description here

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