LaTeX Equations – Handling Too Long Equation Without Splitting


I am writing an equaition which is too long-wide. I don't want it to split. I tried to change the fontsize within the equation enviroment but it didn't work.
I am using

{\footnotesize G=centroid\cdot \frac{range[V]}{\#\,channels}\cdot\frac{W_{pair}[eV]}    {E_{particle}[keV]}\cdot \frac{1}{(coarse\,gain)\cdot(fine\,gain)}\cdot \frac{10^6}   {X[mV]\cdot E_{cg}[eV]}}

Is there a way to achieve that?
My output is

Any ideas?

Best Answer

You could set the fractions in \textstyle:

enter image description here

  G=\textstyle\text{centroid}\cdot \frac{\text{range}[V]}{\text{\# channels}}\cdot
    \frac{1}{(\text{coarse gain})\cdot(\text{fine gain})}\cdot 
    \frac{10^6}{X[mV]\cdot E_{cg}[eV]}

(you may even consider using \small centroid as well) or scale it to fix using \resizebox from graphicx:

enter image description here

    G=\text{centroid}\cdot \frac{\text{range}[V]}{\text{\# channels}}\cdot
    \frac{1}{(\text{coarse gain})\cdot(\text{fine gain})}\cdot 
    \frac{10^6}{X[mV]\cdot E_{cg}[eV]}$}
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