[Tex/LaTex] Tone marks above Chinese characters in latex

cjksymbolsvertical alignment

My aim is to put tone marks above Chinese characters in latex.
I have tried \v{好}, but this puts the carron accent (3rd tone) in the space left of the character rather than above it.

I have also found that $\stackrel{\vee}{\textrm{你}}$ works well but cannot find equivelent symbols for the other tones. I have tried --, \diagup and \diagdown, but they look really out of place

The standard unicode symbols for the tones are 02C9, 02CA, 02C7, 02CB and 02D9, but think that these are the same as using \v ect.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank-you.
The purpose of this is to have them automatically generated to help people learning chinese. I've written the software for that, so just need to output it in a nice format.

P.S. To use Chinese characters in Latex



Best Answer

I am pretty sure that the symbols are not the same ones as the \v etc. Have you tried just typing those symbols in text? I've never used CJKutf8, but I did use CJK with Big5 encoding, and was able to type even in Ruby/ZhuYin symbols.

What I did was to

\newcommand{\rubychinese}[2]{\begin{tabular*}{3em}{c} {\Large #1} \\ %
   {\tiny #2}\end{tabular*}}

which I used like

\rubychinese{<character goes here>}{<pronunciation guide goes here>}

(In my version the ZhuYin appears below the main word, but you can easily switch the order.) Since there is a Bopomofo block in unicode, perhaps you just need a font supporting it and an input method that allows you to type those symbols?

An example output: