[Tex/LaTex] todonotes problem with amsbook class

amsbooktable of contentstodonotes

I'm trying to use todonotes with amsbook documentclass. I can add a todo (using \todo{fix this}) to part of the text and I can generate a Todo list for the table of contents using \todototoc, but the compilation has some problems.

From looking at the todonotes documentation I have seen that the package has a known conflict with amsart and a fix is supplied in the documentation. The fix doesn't quite work for amsbook and I don't know enough about what it's doing to edit it.

The problems are that whilst compiling the LaTeX I get the warning that \todototoc is an undefined control sequence. Ignoring the warning and continuing the compilation, I see that the \todo I have created is not put on the same page as the heading for the list.

A smallish working example follows.


 \usepackage[linktocpage]{hyperref} % for links


  \title{A sample book in amsbook style}

    \todototoc  % put an entry for the list of todos in the  table of contents

    % \listoftodos   This is the usual command for making a list of to dos

   % The following was taken from the todonotes documentation on how to resolve a problem with the amsart class.
   % It doesn't quite work for amsbook as the list entries are put on the page after the "Todo list" heading.


    \chapter{The test chapter}
    Some text\todo{really need some more text!}


Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.

Best Answer

The problem is that amsbook defines \@starttoc with two arguments (I don't think it was a wise decision). So you have to redefine \listoftodos to pass correctly what \@starttoc wants:


\usepackage[linktocpage]{hyperref} % for links



\title{A sample book in amsbook style}



\chapter{The test chapter}
Some text\todo{really need some more text!}


\todototoc is not needed as amsbook takes care of it.

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