[Tex/LaTex] Todonotes: group list-of-todos by chapter

table of contentstodonotes

I use the todonotes package extensively to mark and comment my projects. So, for a large project, I have dozens of todo-notes and the list of todos, which I insert at the beginning of a document, get's very cluttered.

I'm looking for a way to group the list of todos by chapter, so essentially something like:

List of Todos

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 note ... 2
Chapter 1, section 1 note ... 2
Chapter 1, section 2 note ... 3

Chapter 2

Chapter 2, section 1 note ... 4
Chapter 2, section 2 note ... 4

The following MWE gives a starting point for modification:


% \usepackage{classicthesis}



\chapter{My first chapter}
\todo{Chapter 1 note}

\section{A first section}


\todo{Chapter 1, section 1 note}

\section{Another section}


\todo{Chapter 1, section 2 note}

\chapter{My second chapter}

\section{A first section}


\todo{Chapter 2, section 1 note}

\section{Another section}


\todo{Chapter 2, section 2 note}


This post tries something similar, but just adds the section next to the page number, which would not remove the clutter I have.

I'm using the classicthesis template which uses titlesec for tableofcontents appearance, in case it matters. A second point would be to remove the "dots" in the list of todos. I believe todonotes formats the appearance with this command:


but I don't know how to modify it to remove the dots and show page numbers at the end of each TOC entry.

Best Answer

This is specific for classicthesis. Add the following code to the preamble

    \vskip\bigskipamount\noindent\textbf{Chapter \thechapter}\par\nobreak\vskip\medskipamount}}{}{}

enter image description here

If you really need a more complicated approach, printing the line only if there are notes, then here it is:

    {\vskip\bigskipamount\noindent\textbf{Chapter #1}\par\nobreak\vskip\medskipamount}}

But why doing something so complicated when the Todo List is only for working copies?

Here is a complete example, where the todo notes in the Todo List are typeset in the same way as sections in the table of contents:



    {\vskip\bigskipamount\noindent\spacedlowsmallcaps{Chapter #1}\par\nobreak\vskip\medskipamount}}


\chapter{My first chapter}
\todo{Chapter 1 note}

\section{A first section}


\todo{Chapter 1, section 1 note}

\section{Another section}


\todo{Chapter 1, section 2 note}

\chapter{My second chapter}

\section{A first section}


\todo{Chapter 2, section 1 note}

\section{Another section}


\todo{Chapter 2, section 2 note}


enter image description here

In case you want the chapter title in the Todo List, a slightly different approach should be used. Change the code from \usepackage{xpatch} up to the \AtEndDocument line with the following


It may be possible to make the chapter page number into a link. Be happy with this version. :)

enter image description here