[Tex/LaTex] Toc spacing in KOMA

koma-scripttable of contents

I am currently using the class scrreprt which means I need a solution compatible to KOMA. I have the following ToC:


Now I want to reduce the space between the chapters. Another thing I want is that the dots should reach the page number. Is this possible without tocloft?






\usepackage[tmargin=3cm, lmargin=3cm, rmargin=2.5cm, bmargin=2cm,      headheight=27.18335pt,footnotesep=2\baselineskip]{geometry}



\chapter{Chap 1}
\section{Sec 1}
\subsection{Subsec 1}
\section{Sec 2}
\section{Sec 3}
\chapter{Chap 2}
\chapter{Chap 3}


Best Answer

You can change the distance before the entries using option tocbeforeskip of command \RedeclareSectionCommand.

You can change the width of the page number column redefining \@pnumwidth.




%\setlength{\parindent}{0pt}% You should not switch of paragraph indention
                            % without selecting another paragraph formatting,
                            % e.g., using option parskip.


\usepackage[tmargin=3cm, lmargin=3cm, rmargin=2.5cm, bmargin=2cm,      headheight=27.18335pt,footnotesep=2\baselineskip]{geometry}

\RedeclareSectionCommand[tocbeforeskip=1ex plus 1pt minus 1pt]{chapter}
\renewcommand*{\@pnumwidth}{1em}% Width of the page number column in the table
                                % of contents.



\chapter{Chap 1}
\section{Sec 1}
\subsection{Subsec 1}
\section{Sec 2}
\section{Sec 3}
\chapter{Chap 2}
\chapter{Chap 3}


results in

enter image description here

instead of

enter image description here

If you want, you can set both to 0, but I don't like the result:

enter image description here