[Tex/LaTex] \titlespacing + scrreprt not working


I am currently trying to change the titlespacing after a \subsection*{}.


But changing the value to 2pt isn't working. Just has no effect at all.
Packages in use:


Would be glad for any hints to a solution. Not a latex pro here, but still trying to learn =)

Best Answer

Note, that the usage of titlesec together with a KOMA-Script class is not recommended. With an up to date KOMA-Script version (current version on CTAN is 3.17a) you can use instead



enter image description here



\chapter{Chapter One}
\KOMAScriptVersion{} is used.
\section{Section One}
\subsection{Subsection One}
\subsection*{Subsection with Star}

If you still use version 3.15 or 3.16 add the following lines before the redefinition of \subsectionformat:

  \ifstr{#1}{subsection}{\quad}{\enskip}% change the space only for subsection