[Tex/LaTex] titlesec ToC formatting — capitalization, subsection numbering for sections, title formatting

formattingtable of contentstitlesec

I'm a newer user of the detailed formatting capabilities in Latex…
I'm having a really hard time figuring out titlesec documentation to do the necessary formatting that I require. Unfortunately, the online examples are not helping me much…

  • I'm working in an article class.
  • I need uppercase section labels, with the section number including the subsection (e.g. 1.0 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . pg#)
  • Subsections and subsubsections should also be included, indented respectively, with nothing beyond the default behavior
  • Appendices are not to be uppercase and should be labeled "APPENDIX A – Appendix title . . . pg#)
  • Finally, the Table of Contents header should be bold, centered, and uppercase.

Here's the code I have now:


\titleformat{\section} % command
[hang]                 % shape
{\normalsize\bfseries} % format
{\thesubsection}       % label
{1em}                  % Spacing between label and title
{\MakeUppercase}       % before code
\titlespacing{\section}% Set the spacing around the title
{0pt}                  % Left
{0pt}                  % Above
{0pt}                  % Below
\titlecontents{section}[2em]{\vspace{12pt}}{\normalfont\normalsize \contentslabel{2em}}{\hspace*{-2em} \MakeUppercase}{}{}

\titleformat{\subsection} % command
[hang]                 % shape
{\bfseries\normalsize} % format
{\thesubsection}       % label
{1em}                  % Spacing between label and title
{}                     % before code
\titlespacing{\subsection}% Set the spacing around the title
{0pt}                  % Left
{0pt}                  % Above
{0pt}                  % Below

\titleformat{\subsubsection} % command
[runin]                % shape
{\bfseries\normalsize} % format
{\thesubsubsection}    % label
{1em}                % Spacing between label and title
{}                     % before code
[.]                    % after code


% Put this after TOC to keep single spacing in TOC:
\setlength{\parskip}{2ex} %--skip lines between paragraphs
\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} %--don't indent paragraphs  

\vspace{4em} % Would normally be \newpage



Compiled Document

Sorry… I've spent five hours with minimal progress. I think I'm still learning a lot of the basics that is convoluting this for me…

Best Answer

Here's one way to do it:


\titleformat{\section} % command
[hang]                 % shape
{\normalsize\bfseries} % format
{\thesubsection}       % label
{1em}                  % Spacing between label and title
{\MakeUppercase}       % before code
\titlespacing{\section}% Set the spacing around the title
{0pt}                  % Left
{0pt}                  % Above
{0pt}                  % Below


\titleformat{\subsection} % command
[hang]                 % shape
{\bfseries\normalsize} % format
{\thesubsection}       % label
{1em}                  % Spacing between label and title
{}                     % before code
\titlespacing{\subsection}% Set the spacing around the title
{0pt}                  % Left
{0pt}                  % Above
{0pt}                  % Below

\titleformat{\subsubsection} % command
[runin]                % shape
{\bfseries\normalsize} % format
{\thesubsubsection}    % label
{1em}                % Spacing between label and title
{}                     % before code
[.]                    % after code


\clearpage% just for the example
\section{A test appendix}
\section{Another test appendix}


The result:

enter image description here


  1. Center the ToC title.

    I used the etoolbox package to patch \tableofcontents:

  2. Formatting for section entries.

    I defined two commands \RegToCEntries and \AppToCEntries:


    The first one gives the desired formatting for regular sections and the seccond one, for sections in appendix; I added Appendix using \contentspush. The first command is used \AtBeginDocument:


    and the second one is applied automatically after invoking \appendix:



Your code sets

\titlespacing{\section}% Set the spacing around the title
{0pt}                  % Left
{0pt}                  % Above

which suppresses spacing around section titles; I'd suggest you to use positive values in the last two arguments so section titles will have better vertical spacing with respect to the surrounding text.