[Tex/LaTex] titlesec section font size incorrect


My dissertation requires the section title to be of the same font size as the text. I am using the titlesec package and I have provided these options:


I have also provided formats for the headings such as


All the headings, like the subsection headings work fine, they have the same font size as the paragraph text in the document. The section headings however, are larger by default. No matter what formatting specifications I provide in


the section headings remain large. Kindly let me know what else I can do to fix this.

As requested, here is a list of the packages I am using


\pagestyle{plain} % No headers, just page numbers
\pagenumbering{arabic} % Arabic numerals
\chapter{\uppercase{Chapter heading ABC }} \label{chap: introduction}
\section{Section title Abcdefgh}
\subsection{Subsection title Abcdefgh}
\subsubsection{Subsubsection title Abcdefgh}
Paragraph text size Abcdefgh. \\
Paragraph text in bold for comparison \textbf{Abcdefgh}

And here are the details of the tamuconfig package where the headings are formatted:

%%%   Titlesec Customations 
    {\protect\cftdotfill{\cftsecdotsep}}}  % puts leader dots on chapters.

The resulting pdf shows the section headings as in the attached image (unable to upload as I am a new user). As you can see, all the headings work fine, except for the section heading, which is large.
Kindly let me know if this information is enough

Best Answer

Your example compiles and gives no errors (other than mycommands1 being unknown) and gives the correct and desired results. So the most likely cause is that this private package contains some redefinition of \section that overwrites the earlier settings, or perhaps loads some more packages that do this. So check what is in there (or disable it for a test).

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