[Tex/LaTex] Titlesec problem, defining space before section with \titlespacing


I am using the article document class and have trouble with the \titlespacing command of the titlesec package (explicit).

I want to have more space before the \section. MWE:





But I have trouble with the \titlespacing command, it seems like it is getting overwritten by something.
Has it got to do with the explicit command of the titlesec package?

Another question:
With my current section heading style, is it possible to only enlarge the section number without enlarging the section text?

Best Answer

Read Enrico's comments above:

Vertical space at the beginning of pages is removed.

That should answer your first question. Coming to the second question, it is possible. I will show at least two ways.

Method -1:

Load graphicx package and use its scalebox macro like:

     {\Huge}{\filleft\scalebox{2}{\thesection}}{-2ex}            %% here

Method - 2

Use an appropriate scalable font (like lmodern) and use \fontsize{55}{65}\selectfont\thesection


Full code:


%     {\Huge}{\filleft\scalebox{2}{\thesection}}{-2ex}            %% here
%      {\hspace*{\dimexpr-6em-10pt\relax}
%       \advance\hsize6em\advance\hsize10pt%
%       \rule[0.5ex]{6em}{1pt}\hspace{10pt}%
%        \begin{varwidth}{\textwidth}\raggedright#1\end{varwidth}%
%        \hspace{10pt}\xrfill[0.5ex]{1pt}%
%    }

 {\Huge}{\filleft\fontsize{55}{66}\selectfont\thesection}{-2ex}            %% here



enter image description here

You can hard code the vertical distance:

 {\Huge}{\vspace*{20pt}\filleft\fontsize{55}{66}\selectfont\thesection}{-2ex}            %% here  added \vspace*{20pt}
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