[Tex/LaTex] Titlesec Nested titles error


I am trying to write a class file (.cls) for my degree report following a university standard. However, when I try to edit the headings (for section, subsection or subsubsection) I get a nesting error.
This is my test program:

% !TeX program = lualatex

% Title Page
\title{A testing Typographithing}
\author{Tesla Testing}

Well this is just for testing

text text

section text


And this is my .cls file:

\ProvidesClass{exjobb}[2017/03/18 A class based on format requirements for degree project report at the Xbio program att Uppsala University]

%% Set bread text options
\setmainfont{Times New Roman}


%%%Set Header 1 options

Through the process of elimination I understand that the problem occurs when \titleformat is introduced, but I don't understand why.

Best Answer

The section number is obtained with \thesection.
