[Tex/LaTex] Timeline shared in several Beamer frames


This question is a continuation of post "Evolution bar with dates in a Beamer presentation".

The beamer-tikz code I am testing is:

    highlight on/.style={alt={#1{fill=red!80!black,color=red!80!black}{fill=gray!30!white,color=gray!30!white}}},
\begin{tikzpicture}%[scale=0.9, every node/.style={scale=0.6}]
% \draw[line width=2mm,-latex,red!20] (-0.2,0) -- (9,0);
\draw[line width=1mm,-latex,red!20] (-0.2,0) -- (\textwidth+0.2,0);
\foreach \X [evaluate=\X as \Y using int(\X-2000),count=\Z] in {2000,2001,2002,2005,2008,2015}
\draw[highlight on=<\Z>] ({\Y-0.2},-0.5) -- ({\Y+0.2},-0.5) -- (\Y,-0.1) -- cycle;
\node[anchor=south,highlight on=<\Z>,fill=white] at (\Y,0.2) {\X};
\item<1> November 2000: marmots start hibernating
\item<2> August 2001: marmots eat
\item<2> Semptember 2001: marmots eat
\item<3> July 2002: marmots eat
\item<4> May 2005: marmots awake from hibernation
\item<4> November 2005: marmots start hibernating again

However, the year 2015 seems to go out the timeline.
Besides, I would like to create a second frame with the same timelines marks (2000,2001,2002,2005,2008,2015) but with items of 2008 and 2015 (\item<5> and \item<6>).

Best Answer

Oh, so many marmots! ;-)

    highlight on/.style={alt={#1{fill=red!80!black,color=red!80!black}{fill=gray!30!white,color=gray!30!white}}},
\begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=0.5]%[scale=0.9, every node/.style={scale=0.6}]
% \draw[line width=2mm,-latex,red!20] (-0.2,0) -- (9,0);
\draw[line width=1mm,-latex,red!20] (-0.2,0) -- (20+0.2,0);
\foreach \X [evaluate=\X as \Y using int(\X-2000),count=\Z] in {2000,2001,2002,2005,2008,2015}
\draw[highlight on=<\Z>] ({\Y-0.2},-0.5) -- ({\Y+0.2},-0.5) -- (\Y,-0.1) -- cycle;
\node[anchor=south,highlight on=<\Z>,fill=white,rotate=45,anchor=south
west,inner sep=0pt] at (\Y,0.2) {\X};
\item<1> November 2000: marmots start hibernating
\item<2> August 2001: marmots eat
\item<2> Semptember 2001: marmots eat
\item<3> July 2002: marmots eat
\item<4> May 2005: marmots awake from hibernation
\item<4> November 2005: marmots start hibernating again
\item<5> May 2008: marmots drink honey liquor
\item<6> July 2015: marmots eat pineapple cake

enter image description here

ADDENDUM: Continuation on the next frame.

    highlight on/.style={alt={#1{fill=red!80!black,color=red!80!black}{fill=gray!30!white,color=gray!30!white}}},
\begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=0.5]%[scale=0.9, every node/.style={scale=0.6}]
% \draw[line width=2mm,-latex,red!20] (-0.2,0) -- (9,0);
\draw[line width=1mm,-latex,red!20] (-0.2,0) -- (20+0.2,0);
\foreach \X [evaluate=\X as \Y using int(\X-2000),count=\Z] in {2000,2001,2002,2005,2008,2015}
\draw[highlight on=<\Z>] ({\Y-0.2},-0.5) -- ({\Y+0.2},-0.5) -- (\Y,-0.1) -- cycle;
\node[anchor=south,highlight on=<\Z>,fill=white,rotate=45,anchor=south
west,inner sep=0pt] at (\Y,0.2) {\X};
\item<1> November 2000: marmots start hibernating
\item<2> August 2001: marmots eat
\item<2> Semptember 2001: marmots eat
\item<3> July 2002: marmots eat
\item<4> May 2005: marmots awake from hibernation
\item<4> November 2005: marmots start hibernating again
\item<5> May 2008: marmots drink honey liquor
\item<6> July 2015: marmots eat pineapple cake

\draw[line width=1.5mm,-latex,red!20] (-0.2,0) -- (20+0.2,0);
\foreach \X [evaluate=\X as \Y using int(\X-2000),count=\Z] in {2000,2001,2002} %<- these are the years not to be highlighted
\draw[highlight on=<0>] ({\Y-0.2},-0.5) -- ({\Y+0.2},-0.5) -- (\Y,-0.1) -- cycle;
\node[anchor=south,highlight on=<0>,fill=white,rotate=45,anchor=south
west,inner sep=0pt] at (\Y,0.2) {\X};
\foreach \X [evaluate=\X as \Y using int(\X-2000),count=\Z] in {2005,2008,2015} %<- these are the years which are to be highlighted
\draw[highlight on=<\Z>] ({\Y-0.2},-0.5) -- ({\Y+0.2},-0.5) -- (\Y,-0.1) -- cycle;
\node[anchor=south,highlight on=<\Z>,fill=white,rotate=45,anchor=south
west,inner sep=0pt] at (\Y,0.2) {\X};
    \item<1> November 2005: marmots start hibernating again
    \item<2> May 2008: marmots drink honey liquor
    \item<3> July 2015: marmots eat pineapple cake

enter image description here