[Tex/LaTex] tikzpicture has different arrow tip colors in pdf output and dvi output


i have the following mwe

  \begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=angle 45,scale=3,ultra thick]
    \draw[help lines] (-.1,-.9) grid (1.1,.1);
    \draw[>=triangle 60,fill=red,draw=teal](0,-0.1)--++(1,0);

the compiled pdf file is expected as follows,
enter image description here

but the compiled dvi file have different arrow tip color,
enter image description here

after commenting one line

  \begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=angle 45,scale=3,ultra thick]
    \draw[help lines] (-.1,-.9) grid (1.1,.1);
    \draw[>=triangle 60,fill=red,draw=teal](0,-0.1)--++(1,0);
    % \draw[](0,-0.4)--++(1,0);

the output pictures are normal and consistant again,
enter image description here

is there anything special about the commented line, or that is just a bug somehow? i was think of exploiting that to change the arrow tip color only without resorting to the advanced decoration option. now it seems that changing color of angle 45 type arrow tip is indeed trickier than latex/stealth type.

Best Answer

CW from the comments:

.dvi files do not contain any color or graphics per se; what they can contain are specials. These specials are there for the benefit of post-processing backend software; like dvips, dvipdfm or the integrated pdf backend of pdflatex.

However, many dvi viewers will give it a shot to interpret some specials. Color changes are hard to implement, you need a whole color stack to pop and push colors at the appropriate moments (consider a color change inside floating material). Hence, many dvi viewers fail some of the time. Finally, Tikz is really meant only for pdf/ps, not dvi.