[Tex/LaTex] Tikz: Shifting a curve to get a tangent condition

curve fittingintersectionstikz-pgf

I want to achieve a very similar thing like in this post Line tangent to a a curve (using plot or controls), starting at a point. But I need a more simple solution. I can create a first tangent curve by connecting three points. That's enough for my purpose (visual judgement).

Is there a way to 'shift' the gray curve and make it hit the red line as a tangent? Maybe with some intersection package? I don't want to calculate further points of intersection by hand.

    % Axis and coordinates
    \coordinate (y) at (0,6);
    \coordinate (o) at (0,0);
    \coordinate (x) at (6,0);
    \draw[<->,line width=1.5pt] (y) node[above]{$C_{t+1}$} -- (o) -- (x) node[below,yshift=-2mm]{$C_t$};

        \draw[thick, blue] (0,5) -- (5,0);
        \draw[dash pattern=on 6pt off 3pt,thick, red] (0,2.5) -- (5,0);
        \draw[dash pattern=on 6pt off 3pt,thick, green] (0,3.5) -- (3.5,0);

        \filldraw [black] (3,2) circle (2pt) node[right]{A};
        \coordinate (A) at (3,2);

        \filldraw [black] (1.5,4) circle (2pt);
        \filldraw [black] (5,0.5) circle (2pt);
        \coordinate (ul) at (1.5,4);
        \coordinate (ur) at (5,0.5);

        \draw [ultra thick,gray] (ul) to[out=-60,in=133] (A) to[out=90-133,in=152] (ur);

enter image description here

PS: I know the system is atm relative small to illustrate the tangent point anyway. I may adjust overall size to 8 units later. Thank you very much, Mac.

Update: There is a small but crucial mistake in my request ^.° of course I need more than a y-shift but a parallel curve, with identical perpendicular distance.

Update 2: To make matters worse, both suggested solutions give a good solution to my conrecte example diagram. But it's hard (for me) to modify them in order to show different aspects. I need another version of a tangent condition (of the same parallel curves) in which there a curve which both tangents the red and the green line.

Maybe it would be a better idea to start with the lower curve, constructing it from two given point on the red/green line?

enter image description here

Best Answer

The following may need some fine tuning, and also relies on you not needing exactly those coordinates for ul and ur.

So what I do is, instead of drawing the grey lines with a to[in=...,out=...], I draw a circular arc. Well, actually two. To avoid having to calculate the start of the arc, I draw two arcs starting in A, using (A) arc[start angle=225,delta angle=20,radius=9cm]; The start angle is due to the fact that the blue line has an angle of 45 degrees with the horizontal. The delta angle decides how far to draw the line, and I draw one with a positive delta angle, one with a negative. The radius is just trial and error.

The second arc is drawn mostly the same way, but with a slightly different delta angle on one side, and a larger radius, so the arcs are from concentric circles. The starting point is shifted by a certain distance (0.41cm - trial and error) away from A in a direction of 225 degrees, and this distance is the same as the difference in radius.

enter image description here


% Axis and coordinates
\coordinate (y) at (0,6);
\coordinate (o) at (0,0);
\coordinate (x) at (6,0);
\draw[<->,line width=1.5pt] (y) node[above]{$C_{t+1}$} -- (o) -- (x) node[below,yshift=-2mm]{$C_t$};
\draw[thick, blue] (0,5) -- (5,0);
\draw[dash pattern=on 6pt off 3pt,thick, red] (0,2.5) -- (5,0);
\draw[dash pattern=on 6pt off 3pt,thick, green] (0,3.5) -- (3.5,0);
\filldraw [black] (3,2)   coordinate[label=right:A] (A) circle[radius=2pt];

\pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\radB}{\radA + \RadOffset}
\draw [ultra thick,gray] (A)
  arc[start angle=225,delta angle=-15,radius=\radA] coordinate (ul)
  arc[start angle=225,delta angle=15,radius=\radA] coordinate (ur);

\fill (ul) circle[radius=2pt] (ur) circle[radius=2pt];

\draw [ultra thick,gray] (A) ++(225:\RadOffset) arc[start angle=225,delta angle=-15,radius=\radB]  (A)++(225:\RadOffset) arc[start angle=225,delta angle=20,radius=\radB];

Old answer

You can always add [yshift=-0.5cm] at the start of each of the coordinates, e.g. ([yshift=-0.5cm]ur). To shift both horizontally and vertically use e.g. ([shift={(x,y)}]ur)

enter image description here


% Axis and coordinates
\coordinate (y) at (0,6);
\coordinate (o) at (0,0);
\coordinate (x) at (6,0);
\draw[<->,line width=1.5pt] (y) node[above]{$C_{t+1}$} -- (o) -- (x) node[below,yshift=-2mm]{$C_t$};
\draw[thick, blue] (0,5) -- (5,0);
\draw[dash pattern=on 6pt off 3pt,thick, red] (0,2.5) -- (5,0);
\draw[dash pattern=on 6pt off 3pt,thick, green] (0,3.5) -- (3.5,0);
\filldraw [black] (3,2)   coordinate[label=right:A] (A);
\filldraw [black] (1.5,4) coordinate (ul) circle[radius=2pt];
\filldraw [black] (5,0.5) coordinate (ur) circle[radius=2pt];

\draw [ultra thick,gray] (ul) to[out=-60,in=133] (A) to[out=90-133,in=152] (ur);

\draw [ultra thick,gray] ([shift=\curveshift]ul) to[out=-60,in=133] ([shift=\curveshift]A) to[out=90-133,in=152] ([shift=\curveshift]ur);

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