[Tex/LaTex] TikZ, placing nodes with “below of” and perpendicular coordinates


TikZ lets making

\node (node2) [below of = node2,some options] {textlabel};

and also lets using perpendicular coordinates:

\draw[some options] (node2.south) -- (node1.east -| node3.south);

But the joint use of below and perpendicular coordinates doesn't work:

\node (node2) [below of = (node1.east -| node3.south),some options] {textlabel};

Is it about syntax, or is it not possible at all?

And if it is not possible, how to place a node relative to some perpendicular coordinates?

I would obviously like to avoid creating a node at (node1.east -| node3.south) and then using its name.

Best Answer

AFAIK below of expects a node name and does not support calculations. An alternative is library positioning, e.g.:

\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={draw}]
  \node (A) at (0, 0) {A};
  \node (B) at (1, 1) {B};
  \node[below=0mm of A.east |- B.south] {C};


If 0mm is omitted, the distance configured by option node distance is used.