[Tex/LaTex] Tikz-Place a rectangle in specific angle


I am trying to place a rectangle on top of an imaginary circle of certain radius, whose center lies in the middle of another rectangle. What I've tried so far is the following



  % Incident Beam
  \draw[->, thick] (0,0) -- (2,0);
  % Target : Boron + Au --- The center of the imaginary circle is in the center of these rectangles
  \draw[gray!30,fill=gray!30] (6,1) rectangle (6.5,-1);
  \draw[gray!70,fill=gray!70] (6.5,1) rectangle (8.5,-1);
  % Scattering Chamber - The imaginary circle
  %\draw[thick,red,->,dashed] ([shift=(-120:5cm)]7.25,0) arc (0:100:-1cm);
  %\draw[dashed, gray!50] (7.25,0) circle (7cm);
  % Telescopes --- I want to place this rectangle on 170 degrees on top of the imaginary circle
  \draw[black!70, fill=black!70, rotate=30] (2,-2) rectangle (2.5, -2.5); 

My output is

enter image description here

How to place this black rectangle, on a certain angle on top of the dashed circle?

Best Answer

If the center of the imaginare circle is on (7.25,0) and the radius of the circle is 7cm you can insert a rotated rectangular node at (7.25,0)+(170:7):

    minimum width=.5cm,minimum height=1cm,% rectangle
    rotate=80 % 170°-90°=80°

enter image description here



  % Incident Beam
  \draw[->, thick] (0,0) -- (2,0);
  % Target : Boron + Au --- The center of the imaginary circle is in the center of these rectangles
  \draw[gray!30,fill=gray!30] (6,1) rectangle (6.5,-1);
  \draw[gray!70,fill=gray!70] (6.5,1) rectangle (8.5,-1);
  % Scattering Chamber - The imaginary circle
  %\draw[thick,red,->,dashed] ([shift=(-120:5cm)]7.25,0) arc (0:100:-1cm);
  \draw[dashed, red] (7.25,0)coordinate(M) circle [radius=7cm];
  % Telescopes --- I want to place this rectangle on 170 degrees on top of the imaginary circle
    minimum width=.5cm,minimum height=1cm,% rectangle
    rotate=80 % 170°-90°=80°
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