[Tex/LaTex] tikz, pgfplots and polaraxis


I found a nice template for a polar graph 1 and I adjusted it as follows:


    \foreach \a in {0, 1,...,359}
    \draw[Azure4] (\a:9.7) -- (\a:10);
    \foreach \a in {0, 5,...,359}
    \draw[Azure4] (\a:9.5) -- (\a:10);          
    \foreach \r in {5,6,...,9}
    \draw[black!45] (0,0) circle (\r);    
    \draw[black, ultra thick] (0,0) circle (10);    
    \foreach \r in {5, 6,...,10}
      \draw (\r,0) node[inner sep=1pt,below=3pt,rectangle,fill=white] {$\val$};
    \draw (7.5,0) node[inner sep=1pt,above=3pt,rectangle,fill=white] {wear (mm)};
    \foreach \a in {0, 90,...,359}
    \draw[very thick] (\a:5) -- (\a:10);
    \draw (0: 10.5) node {$0$};
    \draw (90: 10.5) node {$\pi/2$};
    \draw (180: 10.5) node {$\pi$};
    \draw (270: 10.5) node {$3\pi/2$};
    \draw[fill=red] (0,0) circle(1.1mm);


From this blank graph I would like to add some data that I read from an external text file, say data.txt.

So far, the only way I found to include external data is related to the \addplot command and I am thus thinking to use the polaraxis environment.

The file data.txt contains two columns, for example:

t   u
0   1
20  2
40  3
60  4
100 5
130 4
160 3
180 2
220 2
240 3
260 3
290 3
300 1
320 1
360 1
360 10
360 1

First, in order to read data I am using:


then within the tikzpicture I create my polar axis environment:

xmin=0, xmax=360,
axis lines = none,
filter discard warning=false,
axis on top]
\addplot [color=blue,each nth point=1,very thick] table [x=t,y=u] {\data};

I obtain this graph in the end:

enter image description here

My questions are : (1) how can I have the same origin for both polaraxis and my tikzpicture and (2) can I read my data directly using a \draw command without using polaraxis and \addplot?

1 http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/polar-coordinates-template/

Best Answer

Both of them should be inside the same tikzpicture environment.

t   u
0   1
20  2
40  3
60  4
100 5
130 4
160 3
180 2
220 2
240 3
260 3
290 3
300 1
320 1
360 1
360 10
360 1

    \foreach \a in {0, 1,...,359}
    \draw[Azure4] (\a:9.7) -- (\a:10);
    \foreach \a in {0, 5,...,359}
    \draw[Azure4] (\a:9.5) -- (\a:10);
    \foreach \r in {5,6,...,9}{
    \draw[black!45] (0,0) circle (\r);
    \draw[black, ultra thick] (0,0) circle (10);
    \foreach \r in {5, 6,...,10}
      \draw (\r,0) node[inner sep=1pt,below=3pt,rectangle,fill=white] {$\val$};
    \draw (7.5,0) node[inner sep=1pt,above=3pt,rectangle,fill=white] {wear (mm)};
    \foreach \a in {0, 90,...,359}{
    \draw[very thick] (\a:5) -- (\a:10);
    \draw (0: 10.5) node {$0$};
    \draw (90: 10.5) node {$\pi/2$};
    \draw (180: 10.5) node {$\pi$};
    \draw (270: 10.5) node {$3\pi/2$};
    \draw[fill=red] (0,0) circle(1.1mm);



xmin=0, xmax=360,clip=false,
axis lines = none,
filter discard warning=false,
axis on top]
\addplot [color=blue,each nth point=1,very thick] table [x=t,y=u] {\data};
\pic {mypic={0}};


enter image description here