TikZ Path – Labeling Paths and Using –cycle Effectively in TikZ


\draw (0,0) -- node{a} (2,0) -- node{b}  (2,1)  -- node{c}  (0,1)  -- cycle;

I can't find a simple way to make a label on the last edge. What I want is something like

\draw (0,0) -- node{a} (2,0) -- node{b}  (2,1)  -- node{c}  (0,1)  -- node{d} cycle;

but it doesn't work.

\draw (0,0) coordinate(A) -- node{a} (2,0) -- node{b}  (2,1)  -- 
                             node{c}  (0,1) coordinate(D) -- cycle;
\draw (A) -- node{d} (D);

This works, but seems too complicated for such a simple task and I think I'm missing something.

Best Answer

The problem is that the cycle option short circuits the system for putting nodes on paths. The usual path operations have a system whereby they record their path component so that TikZ can figure out where to put nodes afterwards. The -- (lineto) component is no exception to this. The problem is that the cycle interrupts the lineto before it can record the necessary information.

A fix would be to put this information back in. I don't know how robust this fix is, but it works for your example.


\def\tikz@@close cycle{%

\draw (0,0) -- node{a} (2,0) -- node{b}  (2,1)  -- node[pos=.3]{c}  (0,1)  -- node[pos=.3]{d} cycle;

closed path with labels