[Tex/LaTex] TikZ library for drawing “special” circuits


Is there a TikZ library for drawing circuits like the following ones

enter image description here

Best Answer

Indeed there are. If you look at the TikZ manual there is a section starting on page 547 that describes all of the circuit libraries in great depth. Here is a quick quote showing the most common libraries:

enter image description here

Also of note is the circuitikz package (\usepackage{circuitikz}) - the documentation for that can be found here.

Some of your components I can't seem to find (I'm also in a bit of a rush...) but you can also create custom components. Ex:

      minimum size=1cm,
      inner sep=2pt,
     append after command={
        foreach \x in {1,...,4}{
            ($(\tikzlastnode.south west)!0.2*\x!(\tikzlastnode.north west)$) edge[draw] ++(-2mm,0mm) 
            ($(\tikzlastnode.south east)!0.2*\x!(\tikzlastnode.north east)$) edge[draw] ++(2mm,0mm) 
    \node[inout] (d1) at (1,1) {in};

which produces

enter image description here

(Code from this question.)

Hope this helps!

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