[Tex/LaTex] tikz: Jigsaw Puzzle Boundary Shape


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I would like to draw a jigsaw puzzle boundary layer, ideally connecting two half-circle segments. The two segments should be connected by a nicely curved typical jigsaw boundary like in the following picture:

Royalty free shutterstock image

I couldn't find any tikz boilerplate code for such a shape, besides a simplified version here on tex.sx

If you have already drawn such a shape, please share!

Best Answer

And a version with pics. That may make it a bit easier to build a full puzzle.

\fill[#1] (-2,-0.35) to[out=90,in=135] (-1.5,-0.45) arc(-135:135:0.6 and
{0.45*sqrt(2)}) to[out=-135,in=-90] (-2,0.35) |- (-0.35,2)
to[out=0,in=-45] (-0.45,2.5) arc(225:-45:{0.45*sqrt(2)} and 0.6)
to[out=-135,in=180] (0.35,2) -| (2,0.35) 
to[out=-90,in=225] (2.5,0.45) arc(135:-135:0.6 and {0.45*sqrt(2)})
to[out=135,in=90] (2,-0.35) |- (0.35,-2)
to[out=180,in=-135] (0.45,-1.5) arc(-45:225:{0.45*sqrt(2)} and 0.6) 
to[out=-45,in=0] (-0.35,-2) -| cycle;
\draw (-2,-2) pic{jigsaw=blue} (2,-2) pic{jigsaw=red}
(-2,2) pic[rotate=90]{jigsaw=purple} (2,2) pic[rotate=90]{jigsaw=green!60!black};

enter image description here

UPDATE: With multipurpose jigsaw pics: the syntax is

pic{multipurpose jigsaw=fill <color> and <left>/<top>/<right>/<bottom>}

where <color> determines the fill color and the other arguments specify the lug: -1 means that lug goes in, 1 that the lug goes out and 0 means no lug. (Also tried to improve on the colors. ;-)

\documentclass[x11names, svgnames, dvipsnames,tikz,border=3.14mm]{standalone}
\fill[#1] (-2,-0.35) to[out=90,in=135] (-1.5,-0.45) arc(-135:135:0.6 and
{0.45*sqrt(2)}) to[out=-135,in=-90] (-2,0.35) |- (-0.35,2)
to[out=0,in=-45] (-0.45,2.5) arc(225:-45:{0.45*sqrt(2)} and 0.6)
to[out=-135,in=180] (0.35,2) -| (2,0.35) 
to[out=-90,in=225] (2.5,0.45) arc(135:-135:0.6 and {0.45*sqrt(2)})
to[out=135,in=90] (2,-0.35) |- (0.35,-2)
to[out=180,in=-135] (0.45,-1.5) arc(-45:225:{0.45*sqrt(2)} and 0.6) 
to[out=-45,in=0] (-0.35,-2) -| cycle;
multipurpose jigsaw/.style args={fill #1 and #2/#3/#4/#5}{
\fill[#1] (-2,-0.35) to[out=90,in={90+#2*45}] ({-2+0.5*#2},-0.45) 
arc({-135-(#2-1)*45}:{(#2-1)*180+135+(#2-1)*45}:0.6 and
{0.45*sqrt(2)}) to[out=-90-#2*45,in=-90] (-2,0.35) |- (-0.35,2)
to[out=0,in={0+#3*45}] (-0.45,2-0.5*#3) arc(180-#3*45:{(#3+1)*180+#3*45}:{0.45*sqrt(2)} and 0.6)
to[out=-180-#3*45,in=180] (0.35,2) -| (2,0.35) 
to[out=-90,in=270+#4*45] (2-#4*0.5,0.45) 
arc(90-#4*45:{(#4+1)*180-90+#4*45}:0.6 and {0.45*sqrt(2)})
to[out=90-#4*45,in=90] (2,-0.35) |- (0.35,-2)
to[out=180,in=-180+#5*45] (0.45,-2+#5*0.5) arc(-#5*45:{(#5-1)*180+180+#5*45}:{0.45*sqrt(2)} and 0.6) 
to[out=-#5*45,in=0] (-0.35,-2) -| cycle;
% order : left/top/right/bottom and -1 is out, 1 is in, 0 none
\draw (-4,-4) pic{multipurpose jigsaw=fill FireBrick and 0/-1/1/0}
(0,-4) pic{multipurpose jigsaw=fill Blue and -1/-1/1/0}
(4,-4) pic{multipurpose jigsaw=fill ForestGreen and -1/1/0/0}
(-4,0) pic{multipurpose jigsaw=fill ForestGreen and 0/1/-1/1}
(0,0) pic{multipurpose jigsaw=fill FireBrick and 1/-1/1/1}
(4,0) pic{multipurpose jigsaw=fill Blue and -1/1/0/-1}
(-4,4) pic{multipurpose jigsaw=fill Blue and 0/0/1/-1}
(0,4) pic{multipurpose jigsaw=fill ForestGreen and -1/0/1/1}
(4,4) pic{multipurpose jigsaw=fill FireBrick and -1/0/0/-1};

enter image description here

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