[Tex/LaTex] Tikz environment


How can I get the following figure using Tikz environment please?
blocs, arrows,color

Best Answer

An alternative starting point to make own solution. To understand code, I suggest you to read TikZ manual, chapter: "TikZ ist kein Zeichenprogram".

enter image description here

\documentclass[tikz, border=2mm]{standalone}
    \usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, positioning}

node distance = 12mm,
   box/.style = {draw, rounded corners, minimum width=22mm, minimum height=9mm,
                inner sep=2mm},
   arr/.style = {draw=gray, ultra thick,-{Triangle[fill=gray]},
                 shorten < = 2mm, shorten > = 2mm}
\node (n1)  [box]               {Text 1};
\node (n2)  [box,right=of n1]   {Text 2};
\node (n3)  [box,below=of n1]   {Text 3};
\node (n4)  [box,below=of n2]   {Text 4};
\draw[arr]  (n1) edge (n2)  (n1) edge (n3)  (n2) edge (n4)  (n3) edge (n4);
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