[Tex/LaTex] TikZ diagram: concentric circles and ‘freehand’ curves


I have the following diagram which (or a nicer looking version of which) I'd like to recreate using TikZ. Can anybody point me into the right direction? How do I do the concentric circles? How the curves?

Image I'd like to reproduce with TikZ

Best Answer

This is an attempt. concentric circles are drawn first then draw the freehand curves via two skills. Texts are placed by nodes. Polar coordinates are used mostly for ease of positioning around circles

(A) edge [in=xx,out=xx] (B) where xx= angle
(A) .. controls (aux1) and (aux2) .. (B)

enter image description here




\foreach \r in {0.5,1,...,2}{
\draw (0,0) circle (\r cm);
\draw[very thick] (0,0)node[](A){$w_0$} circle(1cm)node[yshift=-0.8cm,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt](B){$\bullet$}; 
\draw[very thick] (-43:2cm) edge[out=120,in=60] (-137:2cm) node[xshift=-1.5cm]{good weather};
\node at (90:1.8cm){cold sun};\draw[dashed,very thick] (90:2.5cm) edge[out=-10, in=0, looseness=3] ([yshift=1cm]175:2.5cm);
\draw[] (4,1)node[above]{A bumper crop here?} .. controls (0,0) and (8,1) .. (B);
