[Tex/LaTex] Thicker line for minus sign and plus sign


Most of the times the minus sign in my documents is so thin and so short that I have a hard time seeing it on a printed copy. Is there a way to alter the thickness of the line for the minus sign (and, for matching purposes, the plus sign also)?

Best Answer

Here's one way to do it:

\usepackage{bm} % for the \boldsymbol

$\boldsymbol{+} $
$+ $
$ - $
$\pl $
\newcommand{\mi}{\boldsymbol{-} \mathrel{\mkern -16mu} \boldsymbol{-}}
$\mi $

% By increasing 'mu' you can shorten the minus sign.


I used How can I get bold math symbols? for obtaining thicker math symbols and I also used Joining characters in latex with no visible space between them to extend the minus sign (although you can slightly tell it has been overlapped, which doesn't seem perfect). The new command definitions make it more convenient for you to use.