[Tex/LaTex] Thesis’ title-page template, Simple style with only a vertical line


Goodmorning everybody,
I am compliting the last page of my bachelor degree thesis. As last page, I have decided to leave the title-page 😉

I have searched for some nice templates around the web, and I have come to the idea of a very simple and neated page with only a vertical line and the requested data (thesis title, personal name, univ. name, supervisor name).

The template I am trying to recreate is the following (from Siarhei Khirevich's discussion paper): Template (26 MB) But, basically, I do not know how to do it.

What I have achieved is some like this (I have found this code on another webpage, but unfortunately I can't find it out anymore ;( )


\hspace*{0\textwidth} % Whitespace to the left of the title page
\rule{1.5pt}{\textheight} % Vertical line
\parbox[b]{0.75\textwidth}{ % Paragraph box which restricts text to less than the width of the page
        {\noindent\Huge\bfseries Complexity \\[0.3\baselineskip] Economics}\\[2\baselineskip] % Title
        {\large \textit{with the supervision of Prof.}}\\[4\baselineskip] %     Tagline or further description
        {\Large \textsc{My name}} % 

        \vspace{0.1\textheight} % Whitespace between the title block and the publisher
        {\noindent University of X \\
        Accademic Year
        }\\[\baselineskip] % Publisher and logo

The goal:
enter image description here

Could someone please address me on how to get the template done? 😉

Best Answer

This is the rough approximation without tikz. With tikz, it is cake walk.

\rule{1.5pt}{0.3\textheight}% Vertical line

{\Huge\bfseries Complexity \\[0.3\baselineskip]
{\large \textit{with the supervision of Prof.}}\\[4\baselineskip]
{\Large \textsc{My name}} %

\vspace{0.1\textheight} % Whitespace between the title block and the publisher
University of X \\
Accademic Year
\\[\baselineskip] % Publisher and logo
\makebox[0pt][l]{\rule{1.5pt}{0.35\textheight}}% Vertical line

enter image description here

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