[Tex/LaTex] Theorem Name/Numbering in Margin


I have seen the previous discussion on this same issue before (see Theorem name and number in margin, note in text), however this did not resolve anything as clearly as I had hoped.

Basically, I would like to have a visible margin (i.e:- a vertical line) on the left hand side of the page. Within the margin, I would like the section numbers (but not the name), equations numbers, theorem names and their respective numbers, but I am a bit a newbie in LaTeX and am I unsure how to go about doing this.

An example with the symbol "|" denoting the position of the margin would be:

                3.1. | Continuous Groups
      Definition 3.1 | Lie Group:.....
             (3.1.1.)| [SOME EQUATION HERE]
      Definition 3.2 | Lie Algebra:....

Thank you in advance.

Just some points of clarification (updated, based on the comments)
1. The document is one-sided, so only the left-hand side margin is of relevance.
2. Any suggestions on which theorem packages will be more suitable are welcome.

Best Answer

I think the following does what you want.


The packages I have used are

  • esopic to add the gray vertical bar to the margin
  • titlesec to customize the section numbers using \llap
  • ntheorem to create a customized definition environment- you could equivalently use amsthm, but I'm more familiar with ntheorem

I've borrowed some code/ideas from


   % arara: pdflatex
% !arara: indent: {overwrite: on}

\usepackage{xcolor}                 % to have colors 
\usepackage{eso-pic}                % put things into background 
\usepackage{lipsum}                 % for sample text
\usepackage{titlesec}     % for customizing sections
\usepackage[leqno]{amsmath}         % for mathematical content
\usepackage[amsmath]{ntheorem}      % for theorem-like environments

% customize the tag form of the equations

% customize section
{\Large\bfseries}% format
{\llap{% label
    \thesection\hskip 9pt}}%
{0pt}% horizontal sep
{}% before

% customize subsection
{\bfseries}% format
{\llap{% label
    \thesubsection\hskip 9pt}}%
{0pt}% horizontal sep
{}% before

% add vertical bar- change colour and thickness as desired
\AddToShipoutPicture{% from package eso-pic: put something to the background
    % 3. Text area
    \AtTextLowerLeft{% put it at the left bottom of the text area
        \llap{\color{gray}\rule{.1cm}{\LenToUnit\textheight}% can put spacing here, e.g \hspace{.25cm}

% margin theorem
{\item[\theorem@headerfont \llap{##1 ##2}]}%
{\item[\theorem@headerfont \llap{##1 ##2}| ##3\theorem@separator\hskip\labelsep]}%

% my definition
\theorembodyfont{}      % customize these to suit your tastes

\chapter{My chapter}
\section{First section}
Test reference: \eqref{eq:myequation}

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