[Tex/LaTex] the text after \onslide is transparent after setting \setbeamercovered{transparent}


I am learning \onslide. I copied the example from the beameruserguide. The last text "Shown on all slides" is transparent after setting \setbeamercovered{transparent}. I don't know why. Could anyone answer this question for me? Thank you.

Shown on first slide.
Shown on second and third slide.
Still shown on the second and third slide.
Shown from slide 4 on.
Shown from slide 4 on.
Shown on all slides.


1st slide
2nd slide
3rd slide
4th slide
I think the text "Shown on all slides" should not be transparent on all slides. If I comment \setbeamercovered{transparent} out, it is not transparent any more. Can anynone tell me the reason.

Best Answer

beamer redefines in beamerbasecolor the \reset@color command to allow some color setting to survive grouping. Most importantly it inserts the line


In pdflatex \pgfsys@color@unstacked is defined (in the pgf driver pgfsys-pdftex.def) as


In the xetex driver of pgf it not defined, so the empty fallback definition is used.

This command is responsable to reset the color after a group:

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
% \pgfsys@color@unstacked definition in pdflatex: 
% \pdfliteral {\csname \string \color@ #1\endcsname }
% in xelatex: {}
\def\pgfsys@color@unstacked#1{} %now it fails with pdflatex too

