[Tex/LaTex] the symbol “between” (≬) used for


The amssymb package has a binary relation symbol named \between, which I have never come across.

What is it used for?
I found out from a compiler error when I tried to define a symbol named that way myself, and I am now wondering whether it is a symbol I could use for my purpose.


Best Answer

I found it in the Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (2007) 13:217-221, February 14, 2007: A 2-approximation for the preceding-and-crossing structured 2-interval pattern problem. There the expression \{<,\between\} has been used, as can be seen in the abstract.

Regarding intervals, \between \between may stand for a crossing/overlapping relation like < for a precedence order and kind of a subset symbol for inclusion/nesting. See also Extracting constrained 2-interval subsets in 2-interval sets.

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