[Tex/LaTex] “The duck pond”: showcase of TikZ-drawn animals/ducks


We have tons of nice TikZ-drawn pictures on this site. Among them some great pictures of animals like cfr's cat code. But they are distributed all over the site.

As we definitely miss a place to collect them, this post asks about nice examples of animals/pets drawn with TikZ. Especially those pictures about ducks are welcome.

For all of the duck friends, quack!

Please do not close this question too early (I know it's a bit out-of-concept here, but there are other well-known showcases).

Best Answer

enter image description here

  half clip/.code={
    \clip (0, -256) rectangle (256, 256);
  color/.code=\colorlet{fill color}{#1},
  color alias/.code args={#1 as #2}{\colorlet{#1}{#2}},
  colors alias/.style={color alias/.list/.expanded={#1}},
  on left/.style={.. on left/.style={#1}},
  on right/.style={.. on right/.style={#1}},
  split/.style args={#1 and #2}{
    on left ={color alias=fill color as #1},
    on right={color alias=fill color as #2, half clip}
\begin{scope}[#1]\foreach \side in {-1, 1}{\begin{scope}
\ifnum\side=-1 \tikzset{.. on left/.try}\else\tikzset{.. on right/.try}\fi

\useasboundingbox (-1,-1) (1,2);
\fill [BlueGrey900] (0,-2)
  .. controls ++(180:3) and ++(0:5/4) .. (-2,0)
  arc (270:90:1/5)
  .. controls ++(0:2) and ++(180:11/4) .. (0,-2+2/5);
\foreach \i in {-1,1}
  \scoped[shift={(1/2*\i,9/4)}, rotate=45*\i]{
    \clip [overlay] (0, 5/9) ellipse [radius=8/9];
    \clip [overlay] (0,-5/9) ellipse [radius=8/9];
    \fill [BlueGrey900] ellipse [radius=1];
    \clip [overlay] (0, 7/9) ellipse [radius=10/11];
    \clip [overlay] (0,-7/9) ellipse [radius=10/11];
    \fill [Purple100] ellipse [radius=1];
\fill [BlueGrey900] ellipse [x radius=3/4, y radius=2];
\fill [BlueGrey100] ellipse [x radius=1/3, y radius=1];
\fill [BlueGrey900]
  (0,15/8) ellipse [x radius=1, y radius=5/6]
  (0, 8/6) ellipse [x radius=1/2, y radius=1/2]
  {[shift={(-1/2,-2)}, rotate= 10]  ellipse [x radius=1/3, y radius=5/4]}
  {[shift={( 1/2,-2)}, rotate=-10] ellipse [x radius=1/3, y radius=5/4]};
\fill [BlueGrey500]
  (-1/9,11/8) ellipse [x radius=1/5, y radius=1/5]
  ( 1/9,11/8) ellipse [x radius=1/5, y radius=1/5];
\fill [Purple100]
  (0,12/8)     ellipse [x radius=1/10, y radius=1/5]
  (0,12/8+1/9) ellipse [x radius=1/5 , y radius=1/10];
\foreach \i in {-1,1}
  \scoped[shift={(1/2*\i,2)}, rotate=35*\i]{
    \clip [overlay] (0, 1/7) ellipse [radius=2/7];
    \clip [overlay] (0,-1/7) ellipse [radius=2/7];
    \fill [Yellow50] ellipse [radius=1];
  \clip (-1,-2) rectangle ++(2,1);
  \fill [BlueGrey900] (0,-2) ellipse [radius=1/2];
  \fill [Grey100]
    (-1/2,-2) ellipse [x radius=1/3, y radius=1/4]
    ( 1/2,-2) ellipse [x radius=1/3, y radius=1/4];
\foreach \i in {-1,1}
  \foreach \j in {-1,0,1}
    \fill [Grey100, shift={(0,11/8)}, xscale=\i, rotate=\j*15,
      ellipse [x radius=1/3, y radius=1/64];
\tikzset{x=3cm/100,y=3cm/100, shift={(-50,-50)}}
\fill [Amber800] (58,28)
  .. controls (56,28) and (55,27) .. (55,26)
  .. controls (55,25) and (56,16) .. (55,15)
  .. controls (54,14) and (54,12) .. (55,11)
  .. controls (56,10) and (66, 7) .. (68, 7)
  .. controls (70, 7) and (75,15) .. (73,15)
  .. controls (71,15) and (62,13) .. (60,15)
  .. controls (58,17) and (60,25) .. (60,26)
  .. controls (60,27) and (59,28) .. (58,28)
  -- cycle;
\fill [BlueGrey900] (1,57)
  .. controls ( 0,51) and ( 4,44) .. (10,42)
  .. controls (16,40) and (23,40) .. (24,47)
  -- cycle;
\clip [preaction={fill=LightGreen}] (74,96)
  .. controls (66,96) and (62,92) .. (60,88)
  .. controls (58,84) and (58,76) .. (61,68)
  -- (76,68)
  .. controls (72,72) and (74,74) .. (75,75)
  .. controls (82,75) and (88,76) .. (88,84)
  .. controls (88,92) and (82,96) .. (74,96)
  -- cycle;
\fill [Grey100] (57,68) rectangle +(20,4);
\fill [BlueGrey50]
  .. controls (14,34) and (32,21) .. (53,21)
  .. controls (55,21) and (57,21) .. (61,22)
  .. controls (81,27) and (92,36) .. (92,48)
  -- cycle;
\fill [Brown500] (61,68)
  .. controls (65,52) and (68,40) .. (61,22)
  .. controls (84,26) and (92,36) .. (92,48)
  .. controls (92,60) and (82,65) .. (76,68)
  -- cycle;
\fill [BlueGrey400] (56,64)
  .. controls (45,64) and (40,60) .. (32,56)
  .. controls (24,52) and ( 8,52) .. ( 8,48)
  .. controls (8, 44) and (24,36) .. (40,36)
  .. controls (56,36) and (68,44) .. (72,48)
  .. controls (76,52) and (72,56) .. (68,60)
  .. controls (64,64) and (60,64) .. (56,64)
  -- cycle;
\fill [Amber500] (88,84)
  .. controls (86,84) and ( 87,82) .. (86,81)
  .. controls (85,80) and ( 80,79) .. (83,76)
  .. controls (86,73) and ( 95,71) .. (97,71)
  .. controls (99,71) and (100,72) .. (99,73)
  .. controls (98,74) and ( 92,77) .. (91,80)
  .. controls (90,83) and ( 90,84) .. (88,84)
  -- cycle;
\fill (78,87)
  .. controls (77,85) and (80,82) .. (83,84)
  .. controls (83,87) and (80,88) .. (78,87)
  -- cycle;
\fill [Amber700] (50,25)
  .. controls (48,25) and (47,24) .. (47,23)
  .. controls (47,22) and (48,13) .. (47,12)
  .. controls (46,11) and (46, 9) .. (47, 8)
  .. controls (48, 7) and (58, 4) .. (60, 4)
  .. controls (62, 4) and (67,12) .. (65,12)
  .. controls (63,12) and (54,10) .. (52,12)
  .. controls (50,14) and (52,22) .. (52,23)
  .. controls (52,24) and (51,25) .. (50,25)
  -- cycle;},
\fill [Brown200]
  to [bend left]  ++(-16,-128) to [bend right] ++( 32,  8)
  to [bend left]  ++(-48, -96) to [bend right] ++( 56,   8)
  to [bend left]  ++(-64, -96) to [bend right]   (  0, -96)
  to [bend left] ++(32,-128) to [bend right] ++(-40,40)
  to [bend left] ++( 0, -96) to [bend right] ++(-64,96);
  on left ={color alias=ears as Brown600},
  on right={color alias=ears as Brown700},
  color 0/.style={ears}, color 1/.style={BlueGrey900}
  \foreach \j in {0, 1}
  \fill [color \j]
  [shift={(96,120)}, rotate=45, scale=9/10-\j/3, xscale=9/10]
  .. controls ++( 90: 8) and ++(180:16) .. ( 0, 48)
  .. controls ++(  0:16) and ++( 90:12) .. (88,  0)
  .. controls ++(270:12) and ++(  0: 8) .. ( 0,-48)
  .. controls ++(180: 8) and ++(270: 8) .. cycle;
\reflect[split=Brown600 and Brown700]{%
  \fill [fill color] (-56,-160)
  .. controls ++( 90:176) and ++(270: 96) .. (-112,  64)
  arc (180:0: 112 and 112)
  .. controls ++(270: 96) and ++( 90:176) .. (  56,-160) -- cycle;
\reflect[split=Grey50 and Grey200]{%
  \fill [fill color] (0,-48)
    .. controls ++(135:48) and ++(225:48) .. (0,168)
    .. controls ++(315:48) and ++( 45:48) .. cycle;

\reflect[split=Brown50 and Brown100]{%
  \fill [fill color] (0,-164) ellipse [x radius=56, y radius=56];
\reflect[split=Brown200 and Brown300]{%
  \fill [fill color] (0,-164) ellipse [x radius=48, y radius=40];
\reflect[split=Brown50 and Brown100]{%
  \fill [fill color] (0,-144) ellipse [x radius=64, y radius=48];
\reflect[split=Brown50 and Brown100]{
  \fill [fill color]  (36, -128) ellipse [x radius=24, y radius=40];
  \fill [BlueGrey900] (36, -128) ellipse [x radius=12, y radius=24];
\fill [BlueGrey900]
  (-72, 64) ellipse [radius=20]
  ( 72, 64) ellipse [radius=20];
\fill [Brown200]
  .. controls ++(180:64) and ++( 90:64) .. (-128, 64)
  .. controls ++( 60:16) and ++(180:16) .. ( -64,128)
   to [bend left]  (-80,88)
   to [bend right] (  0, 128)
   to [bend left]  (-16,  64)
   .. controls ++( 0:64) and ++(270:32) .. (96,144)
   .. controls ++(90:32) and ++(  0:64) .. cycle;
\tikzset{x=3cm/3.5,y=3cm/3.5, shift={(0,1/4)}}
\fill [BlueGrey700] (165:5/4 and 1) ellipse [radius=1/2];
\fill [Pink100]     (165:5/4 and 1) ellipse [radius=1/3];
\fill [BlueGrey700]
  (0,-1/2) ellipse [x radius=1, y radius=4/3]
  (0,   0) ellipse [x radius=4/3, y radius=1];
  \clip(0,-2) rectangle(9/5,1);
  \fill [BlueGrey900] (15:5/4 and 1) ellipse [radius=1/2];
  \fill [Pink200]     (15:5/4 and 1) ellipse [radius=1/3];
  \fill [BlueGrey900]
    (0,-1/2) ellipse [x radius=1, y radius=4/3]
    (0,   0) ellipse [x radius=4/3, y radius=1];
\fill [Pink100]            (  0,-2/3) ellipse [x radius=5/6, y radius=  1];
\fill [Pink100, xscale=-1] (1/2,   0) ellipse [x radius=3/5, y radius=2/3];
\fill [Pink100, xscale= 1] (1/2,   0) ellipse [x radius=3/5, y radius=2/3];
  \clip(0,-2) rectangle(9/5,1);
  \fill [Pink200]            (  0,-2/3) ellipse [x radius=5/6, y radius=  1];
  \fill [Pink200, xscale=-1] (1/2,   0) ellipse [x radius=3/5, y radius=2/3];
  \fill [Pink200, xscale= 1] (1/2,   0) ellipse [x radius=3/5, y radius=2/3];
\foreach \i in {-1,1}
  \fill [BlueGrey900, xscale=\i] (1/2,0) ellipse [radius=1/4];
\fill [Pink300]
  (-1/7,-2/3) ellipse [radius=1/9]
  ( 1/7,-2/3) ellipse [radius=1/9];
\fill [Pink300]
  (-1/2,-1) arc (180:360:1/2 and 1/8) arc (360:180:1/2 and 1/4);
\fill [BlueGrey200]
  (2,16.75) -- ++(0.5,-1) -- ++(0.5,1) -- cycle
  (3,16.25) -- ++(0.5,-1) -- ++(0.5,1) -- cycle
  (1,17)    -- ++(0.5,-1) -- ++(0.5,1) -- cycle
  (2,15.5)  -- ++(-.5,-1) -- ++(1,0) -- cycle
  (3,15)    -- ++(-.5,-1) -- ++(1,0) -- cycle;
\fill [BlueGrey700] (6,12)
  .. controls (5,11) and (5,8)  .. (6,7)
  .. controls (7,8)  and (7,9)  .. (8,10)
  .. controls (8,11) and (7,12) .. (6,12)-- cycle;
\fill [BlueGrey500] (0,20)
  .. controls (0,19)  and (0,18)  .. (1,17)
  .. controls (3,16)  and (4,16)  .. (4,15)
  .. controls (4,14)  and (2,15)  .. (1,15)
  .. controls (2,13)  and (3,12)  .. (5,10)
  .. controls (7,8)   and (11,6)  .. (14,5)
  .. controls (14,3)  and (14,1)  .. (15,0)
  .. controls (15,2)  and (15,3)  .. (16,4)
  .. controls (17,5)  and (18,6)  .. (20,6)
  .. controls (19,7)  and (16,7)  .. (15,6)
  .. controls (14,10) and (11,15) .. (9,17)
  .. controls (7,19)  and (3,20)  .. (0,20) -- cycle;
\fill [BlueGrey100] (0,20)
  .. controls (0,19) and (0,18) .. (1,17)
  .. controls (3,16) and (4,16) .. (4,15)
  .. controls (4,14) and (2,15) .. (1,15)
  .. controls (2,13) and (3,12) .. (5,10)
  .. controls (7,8)  and (11,6) .. (14,5)
  .. controls (13,8) and (7,8)  .. (6,12)
  .. controls (5,16) and (2,19) .. (0,20) -- cycle;
\fill [BlueGrey500] (3,13)
  .. controls (2,12) and (2,9)  .. (3,8)
  .. controls (4,9)  and (4,10) .. (5,11)
  .. controls (5,12) and (4,13) .. (3,13) -- cycle;
\fill [BlueGrey500] (9,18)
  .. controls (8,18)  and (7.5,17.5) .. (7,17)
  .. controls (7,16)  and (9,14)     .. (10,14)
  .. controls (10,15) and (11,17)    .. (12,17)
  .. controls (11,18) and (10,18)    .. (9,18) -- cycle;
\fill [BlueGrey800] (6,17.5) circle [radius=0.5];
\useasboundingbox (-256, -256) (256, 256);
\reflect[split={DeepOrange500 and DeepOrange700}]{
  \fill [fill color] (0,96) ellipse [x radius=96, y radius=128];
  \fill [fill color]
    .. controls ++(270:72) and ++(270:40) .. ++(108,  -16)
    .. controls ++( 90:64) and ++(270:64) .. ++(-40,128)
    .. controls ++( 90:32) and ++(270:32) .. ++( 40, 96)
    arc (180:0:4)
    .. controls ++(270: 32) and ++( 90: 32) .. ++(-24, -96)
    .. controls ++(270: 64) and ++( 90: 64) .. ++( 56,-128)
    .. controls ++(270:128) and ++(270:160) ..   (  0, -16);
  \fill [fill color]  (64, 16) circle [radius=48];
  \fill [Grey50]      (64, 16) circle [radius=32];
  \fill [BlueGrey900] (64, 16) circle [radius=12];
  \fill [fill color]  (-4, -20)
    .. controls ++(270:256) and ++(225: 64) .. (128,-192)
    arc (315:495:4)
    .. controls ++(210: 64) and ++(270:192) .. (48, -40);
\fill [DeepOrange900]
  (-40,-40) arc (180:360:40 and 16) arc (360:180:40 and 40);
\fill [DeepOrange300]
  (-32,108) circle [radius=16] (-40,160) circle [radius=12]
  (-20,196) circle [radius= 8]  ( 40,160) circle [radius=16]
  ( 64,120) circle [radius= 8]  ( 40,100) circle [radius=12];
\foreach \i in {-3,...,3}
  \fill [Brown900, shift={(0,128)}, rotate=-\i*13]
    (0,0) arc (90:450:48 and 144);
\foreach \i in {-1,...,1}
  \fill [Brown900, shift={(0,32)}, rotate=-\i*10]
    (0,0) arc (90:450:32 and 128);
\reflect[split={Brown700 and Brown800}]{
  \fill [fill color] (0,224)
  .. controls ++(180:96) and ++( 90:96) .. (-112,32)
  .. controls ++(270:96) and ++(180: 0) .. (0,-148)
  .. controls ++(  0: 0) and ++(270:96) .. ( 112,32)
  .. controls ++( 90:96) and ++(  0:96) .. cycle;
  on left ={colors alias={
    outer eye as Brown600, eyebrow as Brown800, chest as Brown100}},
  on right={colors alias={
    outer eye as Brown700, eyebrow as Brown900, chest as Brown200},
    half clip}]{
  \fill [outer eye]   (64, 128) circle [radius=80];
  \fill [Grey100]     (64, 128) circle [radius=40];
  \fill [BlueGrey900] (64, 128) circle [radius=20];
  \fill [eyebrow]  (0,112)
    .. controls ++( 90:128) and ++(270:64) .. (160,240)
    .. controls ++(270:112) and ++( 90:64) .. cycle;
  \fill [chest] 
    .. controls ++(135:32) and ++(270:32) .. (-64,-40)
    arc (180:0:64)
    .. controls ++(270:32) and ++( 45:32) .. cycle;
  on left ={colors alias={
    beak as Amber500, perch as BlueGrey800, foot as Brown600, 
    talon as Amber500}},
  on right={colors alias={
    beak as Amber700, perch as BlueGrey900, foot as Brown700, 
      talon as Amber700}, half clip}]{
  \fill [beak] (0,28)
    .. controls ++(135:32) and ++(270:16) .. (-32,64)
    arc (180:0:32)
    .. controls ++(270:16) and ++(45:32) .. cycle;
  \fill [perch]
    (-192,-128) arc (90:270:12) -- ++(384,0) arc (270:450:12) -- cycle;
  \tikzset{shift={(0, -128)}}
  \fill [foot]
    (3, 0) arc (180:0:36 and 24) -- cycle;
  \foreach \j in {-1,0,1}
    \scoped[shift={(40+20*\j,0)}]\fill [talon]
       (10,0) arc (0:180:10) -- (0,-16) -- cycle;
\tikzset{shift={(32,140)}, rotate=-45}
  \fill [BlueGrey100] (0,0) arc (0:90:32 and 96) arc (90:0:96);
  \fill [BlueGrey200] (32,0) arc (0:90:64 and 96) arc (90:0:96);
\foreach \i in {-1, 1}\foreach \j in {0, 1}
\fill \ifnum\j=0 \ifnum \i=-1 [BlueGrey700] \else [BlueGrey800] \fi\else [BlueGrey900] \fi
  [xscale=\i, shift={(128,88)}, rotate=10, scale=1-\j/3]
  .. controls ++( 90: 8) and ++(180:16) .. ( 0, 48)
  .. controls ++(  0:16) and ++( 90:12) .. (88,  0)
  .. controls ++(270:12) and ++(  0: 8) .. ( 0,-48)
  .. controls ++(180: 8) and ++(270: 8) .. cycle;
\reflect[split={BlueGrey700 and BlueGrey800}]{%
  \fill [fill color] (-64,-160)
  .. controls ++( 90:144) and ++(270: 64) .. (-120,  64)
  arc (180:0: 120 and 112)
  .. controls ++(270: 64) and ++( 90:144) .. (  64,-160) -- cycle;
\reflect[split=Grey50 and Grey200]{%
  \fill [fill color](-64,-160)
    .. controls ++( 75:144) and ++(270: 64) .. (-16,  64)
    .. controls ++( 90: 32) and ++(180: 72) .. (  0, 168)
    .. controls ++(  0: 72) and ++( 90: 32) .. ( 16,  64)
    .. controls ++(270: 64) and ++(105:144) .. ( 64,-160) -- cycle;
\reflect[split=Pink100 and Pink200]{
  \fill [fill color] (0,-160) ellipse [x radius=64, y radius=56];
\fill [Pink300] (0, -160) ellipse [x radius=48, y radius=40];
\reflect[split=Pink100 and Pink200]{
  \fill [fill color] (0,-128) ellipse [x radius=80, y radius=56];
\fill [Pink300]
  (-32, -128) ellipse [radius=16]
  ( 32, -128) ellipse [radius=16];
\fill [BlueGrey900]
  (-64, 64) ellipse [radius=24]
  ( 64, 64) ellipse [radius=24];
\begin{scope}[x=3cm/480,y=3cm/480, rotate=-45, shift=(270:48)]
  on left= {colors alias={body as BlueGrey800, stripes as Amber500}},
  on right={colors alias={body as BlueGrey900, stripes as Amber700}, half clip},
  lower wing/.style={fill=BlueGrey100}, upper wing/.style={fill=BlueGrey50}]{
  \fill [body] (0,-160)
    .. controls ++(120:64) and ++(270:64) .. (-88, -16)
    .. controls ++( 90:64) and ++(225:64) .. (  0, 128)
    .. controls ++(315:64) and ++( 90:64) .. ( 88, -16)
    .. controls ++(270:64) and ++( 60:64) .. cycle;
  \fill [body] (0,128) ellipse [x radius=80, y radius=56];
  \fill [body]
    (32,160) arc (180:90:64) -- ++(6,-6) coordinate [midway] (@)
    arc (90:180:64) -- cycle;
  \fill [body] (@) circle [radius=12];
    \clip (0,-160)
      .. controls ++(120:64) and ++(270:64) .. (-88, -16)
      .. controls ++( 90:64) and ++(225:64) .. (  0, 128)
      .. controls ++(315:64) and ++( 90:64) .. ( 88, -16)
      .. controls ++(270:64) and ++( 60:64) .. cycle;
    \foreach \i in {0,...,2}
      \fill [stripes] (-256, -160 + \i*80) rectangle ++(512, 40);
  \foreach \s [count=\i from -1] in {lower wing, upper wing}
    \fill [style=\s, shift={(16,56)}, rotate=\i*32]
      .. controls ++( 30:64) and ++(180:32) .. (128,56)
      arc (90:-90:56)
      .. controls ++(180:32) and ++(330:64) .. cycle;
\useasboundingbox (-256, -256) (256, 256);
  on left ={ color alias/.list={skin as Brown700, ears as Pink100}},
  on right={ color alias/.list={skin as Brown900, ears as Pink200}, half clip }
  \fill [skin] (140, 80) circle  [radius=56];
  \fill [ears] (140, 80) circle  [radius=32];
  \fill [skin] (  0, 72) ellipse [x radius=140, y radius=112];
  \fill [skin] (  0,-64) ellipse [x radius=172, y radius=112];
  on left ={color alias/.list={face as Pink100}},
  on right={color alias/.list={face as Pink200}, half clip}
  \fill [face] (0,-64) ellipse [x radius=140, y radius=88];
  \fill [face] (40,64) ellipse [radius=64];
  \fill [BlueGrey900] (40, 64) circle [radius=24];
  \fill [Pink300]     (24,-16) circle [radius=16];
\fill [Pink300]
  (-96,-72) arc (180:360:96 and 32) arc (360:180:96 and 56);
  on left ={color alias=ears as BlueGrey500},
  on right={color alias=ears as BlueGrey700},
  outer ear/.style={fill=ears}, inner ear/.style={fill=BlueGrey900}
  \foreach \s [count=\j from 0] in {outer ear, inner ear}
  \fill [style=\s]
  [shift={(88,120)}, rotate=75, scale=9/10-\j/3, xscale=3/2]
  .. controls ++( 90: 8) and ++(180:16) .. ( 0, 48)
  .. controls ++(  0:16) and ++( 90:12) .. (88,  0)
  .. controls ++(270:12) and ++(  0: 8) .. ( 0,-48)
  .. controls ++(180: 8) and ++(270: 8) .. cycle;
\reflect[split=BlueGrey500 and BlueGrey700]{%
  \fill [fill color] (-56,-160)
  .. controls ++( 90:112) and ++(270: 128) .. (-112,  48)
  arc (180:0:112 and 96)
  .. controls ++(270: 128) and ++( 90:112) .. (  56,-160) -- cycle;
\reflect[split=Grey500 and Grey600]{%
  \fill [fill color] (0,-164) ellipse [x radius=56, y radius=56];
\reflect[split=Grey700 and Grey800]{%
  \fill [fill color] (0,-164) ellipse [x radius=48, y radius=40];
\reflect[split=Grey500 and Grey600]{%
  \fill [fill color] (0,-144) ellipse [x radius=64, y radius=48];
  \fill [fill color]  (36, -128) ellipse [x radius=24, y radius=40];
  \fill [BlueGrey900] (36, -128) ellipse [x radius=12, y radius=24];
\fill [BlueGrey900]
  (-72, 40) ellipse [radius=20]
  ( 72, 40) ellipse [radius=20]
  to [bend left]  ++( 16, 32) to [bend right] ++( 16,-48)
  to [bend left]  ++( 16, 32) to [bend right] ++( 16,-48)
  to [bend right] ++(-32,-48) to [bend left]  ++(-16, 32)
  to [bend right] ++(-32,-32) to [bend left]  ++(  0, 32)
  to [bend right] ++(-32,-16) to [bend left]  ++( 16, 40)
  to [bend right] ++(-16, 32) to [bend left]  cycle;
  on left ={colors alias={fur as Brown500, ear as Pink100}},
  on right={colors alias={fur as Brown700, ear as Pink200}, half clip}
  \begin{scope}[shift={(88,56)}, rotate=-10]
  \fill [fur] (0,0) arc (270:90:40 and 64) arc (90:-90:24 and 64);
  \fill [ear] (0,0) arc (270:90:32 and 48) arc (90:-90:16 and 48);
  \fill [fur] ( 0,  -8) ellipse [x radius=128, y radius=176];
  \fill [fur] (96,-72) ellipse [x radius= 96, y radius= 88];
\reflect[split={Grey300 and Grey400}]{
  \fill [fill color, shift={(72,-80)}, yscale=-1] (-96,0) 
  arc (180:270: 96 and 80) arc (270:360:112 and 88)
  to [bend left ] ++(-20,-8) 
  to [bend right] ++(12,32)
  to [bend left ] (30:96 and 80)
  arc (30:180:96 and 80) -- cycle;
  \fill [fill color] (56,16) [rotate=-5] ellipse [x radius=48, y radius=96];
\reflect[split={Brown100 and Brown200}]{
  \fill [Grey100] (4,-56) -- ++(0,-64) -- ++(24,0) -- ++(16,64) -- cycle;
  \fill [fill color] (0,-40) ellipse [x radius=80, y radius=48];
  \fill [fill color] (0,-48) ellipse [x radius=64, y radius=56];
\reflect[split={BlueGrey800 and BlueGrey900}]{
  \fill [fill color]
    .. controls ++(  0:16) and ++(315:16) .. ( 36,0)
    .. controls ++(135:16) and ++( 45:16) .. (-36,0)
    .. controls ++(225:16) and ++(180:16) .. cycle;
  \fill [BlueGrey900] (56, 40) circle [radius=20];
\reflect[split=BlueGrey800 and BlueGrey900]{
  \fill [fill color] (0,16) ellipse [x radius=96, y radius=144];
  \foreach \i [count=\n from 0] in {1,0,-1} \foreach \j in {0,1}
  \fill [fill color, shift=(40-\n*40:96 and 144), 
    rotate=30-\n*40, shift=(0:\j*60), 
    xscale=1-\j/3, yscale=1-\j/6, rotate=\i*\j*15]
    (0,4) -- ++(64,4) -- ++(0,-16) -- (0,-4) -- cycle;
  on left ={colors alias={spot as Grey800, wing as Red600}},
  on right={colors alias={spot as Grey900, wing as Red900}, half clip}
\clip [preaction={fill=wing}] 
  (0,0 |- 45:128 and 144) -- (45:128 and 144) arc (45:-80:128 and 144);
\fill [spot] 
  ( 0, 96) circle [radius=32]
  (64, 64) circle [radius=16]
  (24,  0) circle [radius=24]
  (96, 16) circle [radius=12]
  (72,-64) circle [radius=20];
  on left ={colors alias={body as BlueGrey800, eye as Grey100}},
  on right={colors alias={body as BlueGrey900, eye as Grey200}, half clip}
  \fill [body]
    (16,160) arc (180:90:64) -- ++(4,-4) coordinate [midway] (@)
    arc (90:180:64) -- cycle;
  \fill [body] (@) circle [radius=8];
  \clip [postaction={fill=body}] (80,128) 
    .. controls ++( 90:32) and ++(  0:32) .. (  0,192)
    .. controls ++(180:32) and ++( 90:32) .. (-80,128)
    .. controls ++(270:32) and ++(180:32) .. (  0,96)
    .. controls ++(  0:32) and ++(270:32) .. cycle;
  \fill [eye] (64,160) circle [radius=24];
\useasboundingbox (-256, -256) (256, 256);
\reflect[split=Brown400 and Brown500]{
  \fill [fill color] (0,-64) ellipse [x radius=160, y radius=144];
  \fill [fill color] (0, 32) ellipse [x radius=128, y radius=112];
  \fill [fill color] (32,96)
  .. controls ++( 75:128) and ++(105:128) .. ++(192,  0)
  .. controls ++(285: 96) and ++(285: 96) .. ++(-80,-32)
  .. controls ++(105: 64) and ++( 75: 32) .. cycle;
\reflect[split={Grey100 and Grey200}]{
  \clip (0,-64) ellipse [x radius=160, y radius=144];
  \fill [fill color](0,-224) 
    .. controls ++(  0:64) and ++(270:64) .. ++(96,64)
    .. controls ++( 90:64) and ++(270:64) .. ++(-96,192)
    .. controls ++(270:64) and ++( 90:64) .. ++(-96,-192)
    .. controls ++(270:64) and ++(180:64) .. cycle;
\reflect[split={Pink100 and Pink200}]{
  \fill [fill color](0,-192) ellipse [x radius=28, y radius=32];
\reflect[split={BlueGrey800 and BlueGrey900}]{
  \fill [fill color](0,-144) 
    .. controls ++(  0:20) and ++(315:20) .. ++( 40,64)
    .. controls ++(135:20) and ++( 45:20) .. ++(-80, 0)
    .. controls ++(225:20) and ++(180:20) .. cycle;
  \fill [BlueGrey900] (56, 0) circle [radius=20];
  \fill [fill color] (-8,-112)
  -- ++(16,0) -- ++(0,-32) arc (180:360:24)
  arc (180:0:8) arc (360:180:40);
\foreach \animal [count=\i from 0, evaluate={\x=mod(\i,3)*5; \y=-floor(\i/3)*5;}]
  in {bee,cat,chimpanzee,chipmunk,cow,dog,donkey,duck,horse,ladybird,
\fill [fill=\materialColor50] circle [radius=2];
\pic {\animal};
\node [below]at (0, -2) {\ttfamily\animal};