[Tex/LaTex] the difference between a figure environment compared to a figure* (figure star) environment


It is hard to search for this question since most search engines treat the * symbol somehow special, so sorry if that has been asked before.

So, basically, I just would like to know what the difference is between the following two latex snippets. The only difference is that one uses figure while to other one uses figure*:

    \caption{\label{fig:myfig}MyFig Caption.}


    \caption{\label{fig:myfig}MyFig Caption.}

Thank you!

Best Answer

Since the post has been unanswered for over 2 years, I am posting Ian Thompsons answer, so that this question can be marked as answered.

figure* produces a double column figure in a two-column document.

Also, figure* doesn't support [h] or [b].

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