[Tex/LaTex] the best way to track changes with non-computer people


Can you recommend any tools or processes that are similar to MS Word track changes?

I am not looking to use a source control system (no svn or git), this is for working with non-programmers.

Do any of the widely-used latex frontends support tracking changes? Any web applications that do this?

The main features of track changes people like are

  1. See who changed what parts of the document
  2. Add side-comments (marginal comments) to a document which don't appear when printed
  3. Ability to accept or ignore someone elses' changes

Best Answer

I've personally used the changes package http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/changes/ to great effect, and if your collaborators are also users familiar with LaTeX, then it is simple to learn to use, though the markup may be a bit primitive. Also this doesn't satisfy part 3 of your question, since I don't know of any editors that incorporates this package.

A quick google search also brought up TrackChanges: http://trackchanges.sourceforge.net/ which has similar syntax and also a GUI program to accept/reject changes. Though I have not use it myself, so cannot offer recommendations for or against it.

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