[Tex/LaTex] TeXworks viewer shows only part of compiled document


I'm trying to find a LaTeX editor witch supports inverse search. I was trying TeXworks and in the begining it was working. The only problem was that I didn't know how to set .dvi as an output format and .pdf displays a bit strange on my computer. I was trying to enter the configuration of the editor and probably I've done something wrong, because the editor's viewer stopped to show what I've added to the input. The file compiles without any problems, log file says about 7 pages of output, but on the screan there is only 3,5 pages of it. The same document with other viewers displays entirely.

I've decided to uninstall TeXworks and install it once again. The problem remains. After uninstallation, there were still some files, which I couldn't remove without using root privileges – I've decided to leave it. The files are:

maria@maria-laptop:~$ locate * texworks *

Is it possible that the problem lies in those files? If not – in what else?

Thanks for any suggestions.


This is the preamble with a little part of document:

%& --translate-file=utf-8

Istotą monoteizmu jest przekonanie, że Bóg jest jeden i nie ma współtowarzyszy;

Best Answer

I don't think that TeXworks can show a dvi. So if you change your document and compile only to dvi TeXworks will still show the pdf of the previous version. You will have to add dvips + ps2pdf or dvipdfmx to the call to latex.