[Tex/LaTex] Textpos not showing anything


I'm trying to create a business card in LaTeX. Accordingly, I want to use textpos to absolutely position the various elements.

For some reason, textpos is just not showing anything. What I want is for it to show things, where I put them. Any suggestions for how to fix this?

Before anyone asks, yes, the \includegraphics command works just fine outside of the textpos block. There is no difference in textpos behaviour whether or not I have the M — that is just to sanity check that the margins are as expected (i.e. none)

I'm using MikTeX on Windows.

My LaTeX is below.


\geometry{paperwidth=90mm, paperheight=45mm, layoutwidth=90mm, layoutheight=45mm, left=0mm, top=0mm, right=0mm, bottom=0mm}

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} 

%\fontspec[Ligatures=Rare,Contextuals=Swash,Contextuals=Alternate,StylisticSet=1,Style=TitlingCaps,Style=Alternate,Style=Swash,Contextuals=Swash]{Breathe Pro}\fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont
\fontspec{Palatino Linotype}\fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont



Best Answer

Apparently textpos does not play well with beamer (see page 8 of the textpos documentation). Given what you are doing, it seems unlikely that the particular document class matters: with something like article, this seems to work as expected.