[Tex/LaTex] \textit doesn’t work with babel’s russian and mathptmx


\textit doesn't work in a LaTeX template for a thesis in English. Now I am writing my thesis in Russian using the same template. MWE:

оценка эвапотранспирации тростника обыкновенного
\textit{(Phragmites Australis)}


Best Answer

While I have no idea where your problem comes from and I’ve never needed to typeset Russian, replacing mathptmx with newtxmath seems to fix it. The tag wiki gave me the idea, and while I usually don’t typeset math (and if I did, I wouldn’t use Times), newtxmath seems to be intended as a successor for mathptmx.

оценка эвапотранспирации тростника обыкновенного
\textit{(Phragmites Australis)}


P.S.: This also works with the configuration of your initial MWE.

P.P.S.: Someone more knowledgable in these kinds of font issues might be able to give you a solution without switching packages.