[Tex/LaTex] Text running into footer area when using amsart and fancyhdr


I'm trying to include a logo in the footer area of an amsart document. I use fancyhdr to achieve that, but the problem I run into is that the body of the text runs into the footer area – as illustrated by the example below:



\lfoot{\rule{0.4cm}{0.4cm}} %The logo would go here
\cfoot{Page \thepage}

\title{Sample Doc}



Has anybody run into a similar problem or know of a quick fix? Many thanks in advance!

Best Answer

The amsart way to this is to increase \footskip, decrease the default \textheight correspondingly and then issue \calclayout:

Sample output



\lfoot{\rule{0.4cm}{0.4cm}} %The logo would go here
\cfoot{Page \thepage}

\textheight=54pc    %a4paper
%\textheight=50.5pc %letterpaper

\title{Sample Doc}



The command \calclayout is specific to the AMS classes. One specifies an initial \textheight that includes headers, but not footers, and also one specifies \textwidth, \headsep, \headheight, \paperwidth and \paperheight. \calclayout then computes the correct value of page margins, ensuring some reasonable minimum values, and then \textheight is set to the height of the textblock. Looking at the code, the calculations ignore the footers. By default no adjustment is made to e.g. \headheight for the font size. The class is really designed to work with the default 10pt option.

The initial values given to \textheight in the above code, are those from amsart.cls for a4paper and letterpaper (the only paper options the class accepts).

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