[Tex/LaTex] Text boxes in Latex


In an article is it possible to create boxes so that when the document has been printed users have some text boxes areas where they are able to make notes in?

A very basic mock up using word with text boxes looks like the attached picture. Notes can then be written inside the box, or used as an area on a form that information needs to be written in for example.

Right now I need to do it for a work book that I am writting, it has exercises to complete with questions about the exercises that the user just completed, and a notes section for them to make additional notes on the module and exercises they just completed. The text in the box must be in the top left corner.

I've been able to make a text box sort of in Latex, but I can't seem to increase the size of the box vertically as pictured.

The boxes should fit on a single page, should a box need to be bigger than a page or what is left of that page, a new box will be on the following page, but no header would be on this box.

The boxes will vary in height as this would depend on the size the box is able to be following the content on the page where the box starts.


Best Answer

enter image description here

Did somebody say text boxes? Well tcolorbox is meant for text color boxes, the 'color' can be set to white, of course. The example below defines a mytextbox with some preset options, which can be set differently with the optional argument, see the 2nd box example.



  sharp corners,
  attach title to upper,



Give some text here:



Give other some text here:

