[Tex/LaTex] Text before references, but after bibliography title with BibTeX


How can I put some introductory text before the references in BibTeX, but after the bibliography title? I have found some reference to \bibintro, but it does not compile. I have tried with a fake reference, but it obviously has to start with many As 😉

Best Answer

Since you mentioned BibTeX in your question but tagged it with I will provide solutions for both:

Solution with BibTeX

Assuming you're using the article class you could redefine the thebibliography environment like this:



@misc {foo,
    author = {Foo, Francis},
    title = {All about Foo},
    year = {2011},

\newcommand{\myprenote}{Here goes my text.}

      \@clubpenalty \clubpenalty
       {\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%


enter image description here

Solution with biblatex




@book {foo,
    author = {Foo, Francis},
    title = {All about Foo},
    year = {2011},
    location = {Footown},
@book {bar,
    author = {Bar, Bernie},
    title = {Barstory},
    year = {2000},
    location = {Barcity},


\defbibnote{myprenote}{Here goes my text.}

enter image description here