[Tex/LaTex] Text alignment in tabular-environment

horizontal alignmenttablesvertical alignment

I would like to align the text within following table to the top and left. I'm pretty new to LaTeX so I have no clue. Sorry, if this questions has been asked already:

\newcolumntype{C}[1]{>{\arraybackslash}m{#1}}% I found this somewhere but don't remember where


\begin{tabular}{C{4cm}C{4cm}C{4cm}C{4cm}}     %<--- damit geht es jetzt auch ;)
Cluster 1 & Cluster 2 & Cluster 3 & Cluster 4 \\ 
 \item Canada, France, Germany
 \item Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland
 \item Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden
 \item Greece, Portugal, Spain
 \item New Zealand
\item Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, United States
\item Denmark, Ireland
\item Estonia, Hungary
 \item Luxembourg
 \item Czech Republic, Slovenia
 \item Australia, Korea, Turkey
 \item Poland, Slovak Republic
 \item Israel



Best Answer

I'm not sure that I would necessarily put itemize environments inside a table, but with the enumitem package, it's easy to control the list spacing. I've also created a column type that sets the text without justification, which is a better for narrow columns like you have, and centred the column headings using \multicolumn{1}{c}{...} for each column.

\usepackage{enumitem} % for control of list spaceing

% This creates a column type with no text justification


\begin{tabular}{R{4cm}R{4cm}R{4cm}R{4cm}}     %<--- damit geht es jetzt auch ;)
% centre headings using \multicolum{1}{c}{...} for each column
\multicolumn{1}{c}{Cluster 1} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Cluster 2} & \multicolumn{1}{c}
 \item Canada, France, Germany
 \item Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland
 \item Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden
 \item Greece, Portugal, Spain
 \item New Zealand
\item Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, United States
\item Denmark, Ireland
\item Estonia, Hungary
 \item Luxembourg
 \item Czech Republic, Slovenia
 \item Australia, Korea, Turkey
 \item Poland, Slovak Republic
 \item Israel



output of code

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