[Tex/LaTex] TeXstudio not correctly working on Mac OS X


Yesterday I installed TeXstudio on my Ubuntu system. I realized it has nice functions like "jump to PDF" (goes to PDF and highlights the marked text) and "go to source code" (goes to the source code of that part that was clicked in the PDF):

Now I installed TeXstudio under Mac OS X, and those functions do not work. Strangely it was also configured in a way that external viewers were used to show the PDF. I changed everything to "internal PDF viewer", but still these nice "jump function" don't work.

What do I have to change (in the preferences), so that I use those function? Or is it not possible to use them within Mac OS X?

Best Answer

[turning previous comment into answer]

Add -synctex=1 to your path, e.g.

"/usr/texbin/pdflatex" -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex

Then the jump-function should work.